MST Chapter 217 : Life and death of Country and People

Edited: XiaXue

Surrounded by a group of reporters and Liu Chiyan still behind Ye Guang. He couldn’t forcefully rush past. It;’s makes him trapped in the same place and couldn’t move.

The reporters still clamoring for various questions. They noticed Liu Chiyan at this time and also bombarded with various problems, but both Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan remained silent.

Several employees from Studio came out, and two security guards from the property also rushed over and the crowds finally opened. Studio staff and property security guards guarded Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan’s with difficulty.

“Ye Guang, now there’s a saying, if this video of yours is broadcast, it will cause harm to country and people, and you will become a sinner through the ages. What do you think of this?”

Ye Guang, who has been guarded by Studio staff and property security guards, finally stopped.

Ye Guang turned his head and looked at the reporter who asked this question, and finally said the first sentence facing the reporter, “I just did what I think I should do. As for other things, it’s not my consideration.”

After speaking, Ye Guang continued forward.

Another reporter immediately asked, “Someone on the Internet said that you posted this video with your head pinned to your waistband. It is very likely it will implicated your personal safety and it’s difficult to guarantee your personal safety. What makes you so courageous to do this? ”

Ye Guang stopped again and turned to face the reporter who had just asked questions. He looked up slightly, then looked at the camera facing him. He took a deep breath and said a slogan. “When it comes to my country, I will devote my life. How can I escape for my own safety?”

His words are clear and his expression is firm. This is the impression left by the night light on the camera and the reporters present.

This sentence made many reporters stunned. Ye Guang seemed to have an aura on his body to make them tremble. Ye Guang only said this sentence, then turned and left.

The reporters didn’t continue to surround him. Although Ye Guang only answered twice from start to finish, there’s already something to write.

A female reporter watched Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan walk into the studio, disappeared from her sight. She said, “I really don’t believe this is Ye Guang who is violent and brutal smashing shop and beating people, I saw on the Internet some time ago.”

Another male reporter answered, “Instead, I think that this is his style. This time it’s actually more violent than last time. Last time it was just a violent beating. This time…” The reporter didn’t continue.

Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan returned to the studio and Jiang Fengxian first told Ye Guang a bad news.

“CCTV has called. Your Journey to the West storytelling program has basically been determined to off-air.”

Ye Guang stunned and waved, “I see, that’s it.”

CCTV is preparing to stop broadcasting Ye Guang’s program. There is no doubt, because of the influence of Ye Guang’s released “Sky Curtain” video, this matter became very important. CCTV doesn’t want to be involved with him.

Jiang Fengxian just finished talking about a bad news, Ye Guang phone rang, the call is Guan Zhenxian from Provincial Writers Association.

After the brief conversation, Ye Guang smiled bitterly at Liu Chiyan with his mobile phone. “Sure enough, misfortune doesn’t come singly. Old Guan said the Provincial Writers Association is studying the matter of delisting me.”

Liu Chiyan also sighed lightly, she didn’t blame Ye Guang anymore, she comforted him, “Don’t worry too much, maybe there’s a turn.”

Sometimes, it’s true that misfortunes don’t come singly, but unfortunately it’s time for misfortunes to happen one after another.

I haven’t been in the office for a long time, the  office door was pushed open without anyone knocking. Fortunately, Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan are not doing anything shameful.

The person who came was Yu Xuejia and several police officers in uniforms followed behind her.

These few police officers, Ye Guang have seen them, and the leader is Captain Ye Senhong who had been here last time.

Captain Ye walked up to Ye Guang and shook hands with Ye Guang very friendly. Then he said, “Mister Ye, I’m sorry. I’m afraid you have to take a trip with us.”

Ye Guang startled, then fell silent.

Liu Chiyan couldn’t sit still when she heard Captain Ye’s words, “No! Why do you arrest him?”

Ye Senhong turned to Liu Chiyan and said, “Miss Liu, we just asked Mister Ye to go back and cooperate with the investigation.”

Liu Chiyan: “There is nothing to investigate, Ye Guang has no crimes, you have no right to arrest him.”

Ye Senhong: “Goddess Liu, I didn’t say Mister Ye is a criminal. We just asked him to go back and cooperate with the investigation. We are also in the form of death. Please don’t embarrass us.”

Liu Chiyan certainly refused to let them take Ye Guang away. “It’s not a criminal. You can’t catch him! I don’t care whoever orders you, anyway, you can’t catch Ye Guang!”

Ye Senhong smiled bitterly, if ordinary people obstructed him, he wouldn’t be afraid at all, but this is Liu Chiyan, a public figure of Heavenly Queen class, such a heavy figure. Regardless of the department, there will be some special treatment, and the influence of public opinion must be considered.

Ye Guang waved his hand, “Don’t embarrass Captain Ye. I didn’t kill anyone and set fire. I just cooperated with the investigation, nothing will happen.”

Liu Chiyan firmly said: “No!”

Ye Guang looked at Liu Chiyan and then turned to Ye Senhong. “Captain Ye, can you wait a moment. I will say a few words to our President Liu.”

Ye Senhong thought for a while, nodded and said, “Okay, Mister Ye, please as soon as possible.”

With that, Ye Senhong and several police officers left the office, waiting at the door. Yu Xuejia also retired and helped Ye Guang to close the door.

Ye Guang walked to Liu Chiyan. He held Liu Chiyan’s shoulder and comforted her, “It’s okay, the police station is nothing. It’s not a cannibalistic place and I’m not a criminal. This matter has a big impact. It needs my cooperation and they should done the investigation, rest assured, nothing will happen.”

Liu Chiyan shook her head, a layer of water mist spread in her eyes, “No, you can’t go, I’m afraid…”

Ye Guang gently stroked her hair. He said, “If I don’t go, I’m afraid it won’t work. Captain Ye is here. If he don’t take me back, I’m afraid there’s no way to deal with it. Moreover, he represents the police station and the judiciary. We talk about problems if we have problems. Don’t face them, don’t worry, now it’s a society under the rule of law. As long as I don’t really break the law, nothing will happen.”

Liu Chiyan still shakes her head and holds Ye Guang’s waist tightly, for fear she will lose him when she releases it.

Ye Guang let her hold for a moment, touch Liu Chiyan’s hair, kissed her forehead, he softly said, “Oh, it’s okay, don’t worry, I’ll go and I’ll back soon.” Say, Ye Guang untied Liu Chiyan, holding her hand fro a moment, and then slowly turned around.

Liu Chiyan still pulling the corner of his clothes and her tears came out, “Don’t go.”

Ye Guang turned around and smiled at Liu Chiyan, “Don’t cry. I’m not going to execution ground. I’ve said it’s okay. So don’t cry, it’s all over your face, let people see jokes, you are good, I’m leaving.”

Say, Ye Guang gently opened Liu Chiyan’s hand, then turned and went out. He immediately closed the office door after went out.

Police officers headed by Ye Senhong outside the door were all waiting, and the studio employees has gathered together. Seeing Ye Guang came out, the studio employees looked at him with some concern.

Ye Guang smiled freely, “Why are you all gathered around, all scattered back to work or carefully deducting your wages.”

The staff were silent, and only Ye Guang himself could laugh at this time.

Ye Senhong looked at Ye Guang, “Mister Ye, can you go now?”

Ye Guang nodded. “Go.”

Then, Ye Senhong took the lead, and the other two police officers, one left and one right, brought Ye Guang to leave under studio staff attention.

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