MST Chapter 318 : Parents Meet

Edited: XiaXue

Although Ye Guang parents are not poor in this life, ordinary people are thrifty, and places that can save the province will never be squandered. To be honest, Liu Chiyan and Ye Guang moved the first-class flight and five-star hotels made Ye Guang parents quite uncomfortable.

Liu Chiyan and Ye Guang once again made an excuse, the room had already been paid and couldn’t be refunded. It will be waste if not used, which made Ye Guang parents dispel their idea to ​​not check in.

Mother Ye still thinking about the hotel being too expensive when she fell asleep at night. Father Ye looked at her and comforted, “Okay, don’t said it. Son and daughter-in-law are filial, so you can enjoy yourself and be happy.”

Mother Ye: “What do you enjoy? What hotel just to live in? Why do you spend the wrong money? No, I still have to talk to them when we go back. No matter how rich they are, it can’t make them toss.”

Mother Ye still doesn’t know, Ye Guang is about to toss a hundred million, if she knows, she doesn’t know how her reaction is.

Ye Guang also stayed at the hotel at night, and Liu Chiyan went home by herself to talk with Father Liu and Mother Liu to discuss when the parents would meet.

Ye Guang had told Father Liu and Mother Liu before they came to the capital, so Father Liu and Mother Liu simply set the time for tomorrow morning, and let Liu Chiyan arrange the location.

Liu Chiyan thought about it, and the trustee found a very good teahouse, then contacted Ye Guang by phone to talk about it. So, the two families will go to the teahouse to meet directly tomorrow.

The next day.

Father Ye wore a straight suit, shiny leather shoes, and his hair neatly combed, even with a little hairspray.

Mother Ye put on a brand-name clothes that Liu Chiyan had bought for her long ago. It turned out that Mother Ye had been reluctant to wear it. She also felt the color was too bright and inappropriate, but she put it on today, and also dressed up with some jewelry.

Ye Guang felt a little cold and uncontrollable. Such kind of parents are really rare. “Parents, you don’t need to be like this. Just meet up, why so formal.”

Father Ye glared at him, “What do you know, heartless.”

Ye Guang chuckled, stopped talking, and took his parents to the teahouse.

Ye Guang thinks his parents are too formal, but his parents don’t think so. His marriage is a top priority in their eyes. Seeing Liu Chiyan’s parents, no matter how formal they are, they don’t think it’s too much.

Moreover, Ye Guang parents vaguely know that Liu Chiyan’s family is not ordinary people, but Ye Guang parents are just ordinary people, so Ye Guang parents want to be more formal, at least they must dress decently. Don’t let people look down on, don’t shame your son.

This is a bit of habitual thinking of poor people.

When arrived at the teahouse, Ye Guang reported the number of the private room reserved by Liu Chiyan, and the waiter took Ye Guang and his parents to the private room.

Liu Chiyan family hasn’t arrived yet, so Ye Guang’s family is sitting and waiting.

Ye Guang family came a little earlier. If the parents of the man and woman meet, it wouldn’t be great if the woman family waited. Moreover, let alone, Liu Chiyan’s family hasn’t arrived yet, even if it’s earlier than the Ye Guang family. When they arrive, they will pretend not to go in before Ye Guang and them come.

This is not to put up a score, nor is it considered to be a customary rule, but it is our way of behavior that has been inscribed in our bones after thousands of years of national culture.

Strictly speaking, this is a kind of courtesy.

It’s the same for Ye Guang parents who came to Beijing to meet Liu Chiyan’s parents. Couldn’t the woman’s parents go to see the man’s parents? Why must the man’s parent go all the way to see the woman’s parent? It seems that no one has stipulated that this must be done, right?

However, most people did it this way, because this is more in line with a word of courtesy!

If it were put in Western countries, it might not be so. A word of etiquette is also an obvious cultural difference between the East and the West.

After sitting and waiting for twenty minutes, Liu Chiyan’s family arrived.

Liu Chiyan came in with Father Liu and Mother Liu, Ye Guang and his parents quickly got up and greeted them.

Liu Chiyan introduced to Ye Guang parents, “Parents, these are my parents.”

This sounded a little awkward, but there was nothing wrong with it. Father Liu and Mother Liu were a little weird when they heard it. Their daughters called other people’s parents, how could it not be weird?

“Hello, how are you?” Ye Guang parents smiled and greeted Father Liu and Mother Liu enthusiastically. Suddenly, Father Ye smile froze, and his eyes showed an unbelievable look, “You… you… you are…”

Apparently, Father Ye recognized Father Liu, and his heart turned up the waves.

Mother Ye performance is normal, but Ye Guang is seriously skeptical. She just doesn’t often read the news. She doesn’t know who Father Liu is. After all, Father Liu is not well known, and it is normal to not read the news.

Seeing his Father Ye astonishment, Father Liu proactively stretched out his hand, “Hello, I’m Chiyan father.”

Father Ye quickly shook hands with Father Liu, still a little frightened.

Mother Ye is a little unhappy in her heart, blaming Father Ye for not being able to keep up, and how to perform so badly.

After saying hello, Liu Chiyan and Ye Guang rounded the stage, greeting the parents to take their seats.

Father Ye also looked at Father Liu in a daze, and decided to speak first, only to say, “I’m really sorry, please take trouble you to take time out of your busy schedule to see us.”

Father Ye used the honorific word of you, there is no way, you can’t do it, whoever sees this big man still not uses respectable words in their conversation.

Today’s Liu Father is very easy-going, and smiles. “No trouble, it’s for the children, but it’s bothering you to come to capital city. Today we are talking as a child’s parents.”

Father nodded and didn’t speak. He had prepared a lot of topics in the past, but I didn’t know what to say.

However, today’s Liu Father’s performance is quite an accident for Ye Guang. He has always been smiling with a smile. Father did not take the initiative to speak. Instead, he took the lead.

“It’s not bad at home. Listen to Yan’er saying that you are running a wood shop, business is ok.”

“Yes, do a little business, you can’t make much money, but fortunately, there is nothing wrong with the family’s living expenses, it is still ample.”

“It’s very good, I usually work very tired.”

“It’s not too tired to say tiredness. Sometimes it’s too tired to be tired. There is no way. As long as it is a job, all walks of life will be affected by their efforts.”

The more words I said, the more open the parents of the two parents, the one thing I said was a good conversation. Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan didn’t interject, they stayed alongside and poured tea for the parents.

Ye Guang feels strange today. Liu Father’s attitude makes him quite surprised. He has always been very easy-going, and his face has not been smiling. Hey, don’t want to, and Ye Guang’s impression of Liu’s face-changing Liu Father is a big brother, Ye Guang can’t help but scream in his heart, how to deal with Liu Father when he is not treated like this.

Think more, you still think about Liu Father smiling at you? I have arched the good cabbage that people have been raising for more than 20 years. If you don’t smoke you, you will be polite to you.

Mother Liu and mother have a lot of words, and they are quite happy.

Mother Liu, “Little Ye Mom, you are pretty clothes, you are dressed right.”

Chatting for a woman is always going to wrap things like clothes, even people like Mother Liu are like this?

Mother laughed. “I bought it for a while, Yan’er bought it. I think it’s too bright. I wear it for the first time today.”

Mother Liu said, “You look good, you have to wear a little brighter. We have to be old, we can wear it now, and we don’t have a chance to wear it later.”

Mother nodded and said, “Yan’er is a good boy, our family is an ordinary family, and Ye Guang sometimes doesn’t adjust, and Yan’er marries him with aggrieved.”

Mother Liu said, “Children like it. Two people have no wrongs and no wrongs. Little Ye is also very good.”


The parents of both sides talked very well. Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan were also settled in their hearts. The two of them tacitly looked at each other and looked at each other with a smile.

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