BTC Chapter 541 : Titanium Aluminum Alloy

Edited: XiaXue

Honeywell International Corporation, Aerospace Industry Department.

This Aerospace Industry Department established in the 1986 after Honeywell acquired Sperry Aerospace. Relying on technical materials from the original Sperry Aerospace Company, plus with the increase investment from Honeywell International. It has establish or controlled more than 20 companies involved in aerospace, automation control systems, specialty materials, and power. Making them the world’s leading integrated manufacturer of aerospace industry.

In the Honeywell Aerospace Industry Department, executives from Marketing Department and Technology Department met together to discuss the issue of China Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Company’s order.

“From the information sent back by Anderson Fergus. It also clear, Red Letter Group’s materials department has taken control of the large-scale manufacturing and coating technology for new carbon fiber composite materials.” said the marketing director, “In our order, this section has involving sales of more than 30 million US dollars, and is ready to be canceled.”

“This is a huge loss for us. The sales of aviation materials in China will reduced by a quarter!”

“I am most worried is not this, but China Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. also starting to manufacture and sell this material. According to the description, their manufacturing speed is faster than ours, their cost also lower than ours, and they will soon compete with us in the global market.” Said the deputy director of the marketing department.

“I hope to apply for a research and development fund of 1,5 billion U.S. dollars to invest in the research and development of new carbon fiber composite materials and laying machines.” said the director of technical department.

“You can apply and wait for approval from above.” A high-level senior nodded.

“The most important thing now is how to maximize our interests before Red Letter Group completely invaded the aviation materials field.” The marketing director said, “We can’t just let go of this order!”

The director of technology department said, “Aren’t they looking for us to assist in engine blade material manufacturing technology? We can sell them some technical materials at a high price, less than a few hundred million dollars.”

The marketing director questioned: “This is one of our core technical materials, can we sell it to them?”

“Yes, we will not sell the most core information, but some insignificant technical information can be sold. I think, with the technical strength of Red Letter Group, they can developed it in a few years, so it is better to sell it early and make a profit.”

“The company’s business intelligence team said that Rolls-Royce in the United Kingdom is also in contact with China Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Company. If they sell technical information to Chinese people, we will not make this money!”

Rolls-Royce, UK -Royce Company, also known as “Rolls Royce” Company. But this company is different from Rolls-Royce Motors. It is an aviation technology giant that specializes in manufacturing aero engines after the split of the Rolls-Royce brand. It is also called the world’s three major aero engines with the United States General Electric Company and the US Pratt & Whitney company!

Not only civil aviation in various countries require their aero engines, but military fighters in some countries also use their aero engines.

“I agree with this proposal, it can also be submitted to the board of directors together with the application for research and development funds.”

Such commercial activity involving technology sales and hundreds of millions of dollars requires the approval from the board of directors according to “Honeywell Company Regulations”.


China Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Lu Zixin, accompanied by Peng Zhengge and Gao Wei, visited their aero engine research group.

In addition to being the director of the Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Gao Wei also serves as the chief designer of commercial aircraft engineering.

He introduced: “Aero-engines Aero engine is arguably one of the most complex engineering machines in human history! At present, the engines for commercial aircraft C919 we have produced, it’s all purchased foreign products.”

“In terms of manufacturing aero-engines, the military has given us a lot of support. Just for the development of engine engineering machines, we have spent more than 10 billion Chinese coins. But there’s still a long way compared to the core aircraft technology of aero-engines from foreign.”

Lu Zixin deeply agrees. He has learned relevant information. The research and development of aero engines accounts for about 30% of the total aircraft!

This is only for commercial aircraft engine for civilian use, for military aircraft it’s even more difficult! The latest US military aircraft aero engine has been developed for more than ten years. Their research and development expenditure also reached nearly 8 billion US dollars! This is no longer a business competition between companies, but a technology and arms competition between countries!

They have no ability to study high-performance military aviation engines, so they can only hope to solve the problems of civil aviation first.

Gao Wei continued: “Let’s not mention the overall structure problem. Just an engine blade is enough for us to toss. Our Institute of Aeronautical Materials has a major project in the past six months to overcome the problem of aero engine low-pressure turbine engine blade materials.”

Zhang Ming interjected and said: “I saw it in the research institute. Are you preparing to manufacture titanium aluminum blades?”

“Yes, it’s titanium aluminum alloy material.” Gao Wei nodded. “Titanium aluminum alloy has the same strength and stability as traditional nickel-based alloys. Its density also only half of that nickel-based alloys, which it can improve the fuel efficiency by 20%.”

Aviation fuel consumption has become major cost for commercial airlines. If their fuel efficiency is improved by 20%, such engines will definitely became popular with any airlines industry.

Peng Zhengge said: “A few days ago, the vice president of Rolls Royce in the United Kingdom contacted us to support our titanium-aluminum alloy blade manufacturing technology. But the cost is 50 million euros!”

50 million euros, according to the current exchange rate, is close to 400 million Chinese coins. It’s hard to say how much water added to the other party technical support.

“What made me surprised was, today, Anderson indicated to us, Honeywell is also willing to support us in blade material technology. Their asking price is lower than Rolls-Royce!”

Lu Zixin said: “I think you can reject them directly.”

“Why?” Peng Zhengge said, “I think we can let them compete with each other and lower the price. Even if we spend 200 or 300 millions Chinese coins to buy this technology, it is still worth, compared to our R&D investment.”

“Because we can solve this kind of small problem, you can reject them, General Peng,” Zhang Ming said.

“Professor Zhang, can you solve the problem of low-pressure turbine engine blade flat material?” Gao Wei body shook and turned his head to ask.

“Of course, it’s only titanium aluminum alloy. Red Letter material research center already has relevant technical reserves.” Zhang Ming expressed with natural expression. In fact, Lu Zixin got this material technology from Bruce Wayne last time.

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