Chapter 6 : Leaving

Edited: XiaXue

  Soul Society winter is not much different from Human World. It only took three months. By the end of February of the second year, the weather began to warm up and entered the spring.

  After the winter, Reiatsu of Renji, Rukia and Xia Yan decreased a lot. Although Xia Yan had hard work in the summer and autumn and fall, it was only a little better than when he first arrived at this World.

  In the spring, it also means that Renji, Rukia and Xia Yan are leaving to pursue their dreams in the distance.

  On this day, Renji called Rukia and Xia Yan, and said with a serious look: “Spiritual Arts Academy will start registration time after two days, and it will last for ten days, so we have to leave as soon as possible.”

  Rukia nodded, her face full of embarrassment, saying: “As long as we can enter the Spiritual Arts Academy, we don’t have to be scared.”


  Renji nodded and said: “But this road will definitely be dangerous, we must be careful.”

  Rukongai is different from Seireitei, Seireitei has a perfect monitoring mechanism, even if it is hollow class Menos Grande can not enter.

  But Rukongai is very dangerous. There are often things that are devastating to the virtual attack. Although Shinigami comes to kill hollow, but only a moment of hesitation, the soul will die.

  In addition to hollow, the more terrible is the other souls of the inhabitants, and the outsiders who attacked the area, even in the Chencheng District it’s often occured.

  So on this road, you must be very careful.


  This morning, Renji, Rukia and other familiar teenagers in Rukongai said goodbye and learned that they were going to the Spiritual Arts Academy, and these people expressed their envy.

  After bidding farewell, they embarked on a journey to the Spiritual Arts Academy.

  The Spiritual Arts Academy is in the singularity, while the singer is in the center of the Soul Society. All directions are wrapped in Rukongai, divided into four directions in the southeast and northwest. The larger the number, the farther away from the singer.

  They are located in the South Rukongai 78 District, and are far away from the singular road. In order to reach the singularity, they must go a long way.

  The three men embarked on a journey through several areas and headed for Seireitei.

  However, when I walked to the Jinlin District of the 74th District, I was stopped by three people. One was not tall, the body was thin, and the black hair was short, but it looked so ugly and it looked very bad.

  Another big, muscular, and huge body gives you tremendous pressure.

  The third person is a teenager, shorter than Renji, but holding a dagger.

  Sturdy man saw the three people and smiled and said: “You are not the people in Jinlin District?”

  Renji clenched his wooden sword and looked at the opposite side and said, “What do you want to do?”

  The sturdy man laughed and said: “Dare to come to our area, of course, to kill you and absorb your Reishi.”

  The soul in Soul Society will die because Reishi is exhausted. After being killed at the same time, it will be turned into Reishi and scattered into the Soul Society.

  In order to absorb Reishi, many people will arbitrarily kill others, thus forming a very chaotic area.

  For example, South Rukongai is located in the 79th district of Chencheng District, the Yachiru District in the Rukongai Area of ​​the North Rukongai, the More Wood District in the Eighty District of the North Rukongai, and so on.

  Upon hearing the words of the opposite side, Renji held the bamboo sword in his hand, and Rukia and Xia Yan clenched the stick in their hands.

  Seeing the actions of the two men, the three men who blocked the road showed a mocking smile. The strong man said: “Ryoji, I am going to deal with this red-haired brat, you come to deal with the woman. As for A’jin, you deal with this little devil. ”

  The short-haired youth smiled and said: “This woman will be handed over to me. I will not hurt her. I have to kneel down and play with it.”

  The three immediately approached them, and the sturdy man had to deal with Renji. Did not immediately shoot, but the short-haired youth and the boy named A’jin did not have so much scruples, the first to pounce on Rukia and Xia Yan.

  The short-haired youth came to Rukia and reached for Rukia’s shoulder directly, but Rukia stepped back and took the shot directly.

  The short-haired youth caught an empty glimpse, but Rukia had already rushed to the front.

  This stick inspired Reishi, wrapped in a stick and pulled on the opposite side of the opposite side.

  “Akh!”, the short-haired youth nose is broken, the face sunken, heavy fall to the ground.

  Slash containing Reishi, even the stone can be broken, how could the opposite side can block.

  And the boy also rushed to the front of Xia Yan, the corner of the mouth revealed a cruel smile, the dagger in his hand stabbed Xia Yan.

  ”Give me a roll.”

  Xia Yan shouted, and the wooden stick slammed down and hit the boy’s hand. He slammed and the dagger fell to the ground.

  Then, Xia Yan grabbed the stick and slammed forward, directly on the neck of the opposite side.

  ”Hah, ha!”

  The throat was damaged, and the boy slammed his throat and fell to the ground, panting.

  Seeing this scene, the sturdy man was surprised. He didn’t expect the teenager and the girl to be so powerful. Isn’t this red-hair teenager stronger?

  The sturdy man give up, pulling the youth and the teenager slowly retreat, Renji coldly snorted, said: “Let’s go.”

  The three left Jinlin District and walked a few blocks before they stopped to rest for a while. Rukia said seriously: “I definitely don’t come back to this place.”

  Renji nodded said, “Well, we must be Shinigami.”

  The chaotic Rukongai makes people feel fearful every day. This kind of life is unbearable, and the key to changing all of this is to become Shinigami.

  All three swear by the bottom of the heart and never return to this place.

  After a short break, the three men continued to move forward and were attacked once again, but they did not suffer any harm.

  The three people’s Reiatsu more powerful, and in Rukongai belongs to the best, no one can beat them.

  In the evening, they have arrived in the 30th district, Antian District.

  It is very stable here, there are no rogues and wasteland, only calm streets and people coming and going.

  At the same time These people are very wary of the attitude of the outsiders, and the three people who are dressed in a simple manner are consciously distanced.

  The three did not care, just resting under the tree, now it is spring, the temperature is rising, and living in the wilderness will not feel the slightest cold.

  By the next morning, the three left without a word and continued to travel to Seireitei.

  At this time, more and more people appeared on the road. Many people walked together and rushed toward Seireitei.

  As soon as noon, they went to Jing’an District in the 20th district, found a tree and rested under the tree.

  But at this moment, a voice rang, “Are you also going to the Spiritual Arts Academy?”

  Hearing this voice, Xia Yan looked up and saw that there was a yellow-haired boy in front of him, wearing a kimono, the left side of the hair blocked the left eye, the right eye was a blue, and his face was light.

  Seeing the iconic hair, Xia Yan’s mind emerged with a silhouette:

  In the future, captain of 3th Division, Ichimaru Gin left the Division to his Lieutenant, Kira Iziru.

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3 Replies to “Chapter 6 : Leaving”

  1. rushed to the front and rushed to the front. a repeated word

    wrapped in a stick and pulled on the opposite side of the opposite side. a repeated word

    Hey, the short-haired youth nose is broken, the face sunken, when you are hurt, usually you will cried “Akh!” and not Hey 😀

    the sturdy man retired, pulling the youth and the teenager slowly retreat. maybe the sturdy man give up, pulling the youth and the teenager slowly retreat

    Thx for the chapter ^^

  2. The leecher’s on a roll today and for some reason, this chapter felt easier to edit. *shrugs*

    Chapter 6: Leaving
    Winter in Soul Society is not too different from winter in the Human World, lasting roughly three months. By the end of February of Xia Yan’s second year, the weather began to warm up as spring arrived.
    After the harsh winter, the Reiatsu of Renji, Rukia and Xia Yan had decreased significantly. Although Xia Yan had worked hard in summer and autumn, his Reiatsu was only a little better than when he first arrived in this world.
    Since it was spring, the trio gathered up their things and left to pursue their dreams in the distance.
    As they were leaving Renji gathered the other two and solemnly announced.
    ⎾The Spiritual Arts Academy will start registration after two days and it will continue for ten days, so we need to leave as soon as possible. ⏌ [ Renji ]
    Rukia nodded, her face flushed.
    ⎾As long as we can enter the Spiritual Arts Academy, we won’t have to be scared anymore. ⏌ [ Rukia ]
    ⎾Correct. ⏌
    Renji nodded.
    ⎾But the path we take will definitely be dangerous, we must stay cautious.⏌ [ Renji ]
    The Rukongai is different to the Seireitei, the Seireitei has a perfect monitoring mechanism, even Menos Grande class hollows can’t enter.
    The Rukongai, on the other hand, is very dangerous. The threat to the souls there is ever-present despite the best efforts of the Shinigami that come around to kill hollows. A momentary lapse in concentration can lead to death here.
    Aside from Hollows, there lies an even greater threat, the other inhabitants of the Rukongai and outsiders who attack the area. Even in the Chenzhan area, there were multiple attacks.
    This path was bound to be a thorny one.
    That morning, Renji and Rukia said goodbye to the other inhabitants of the Rukongai. Many of them expressed envy when they heard that they were going to join the Spiritual Arts Academy.
    After bidding farewell, they embarked on their journey to the Spiritual Arts Academy.
    The Spiritual Arts Academy is located within the Seireitei and Seireitei is located in the very centre of Soul Society. Surrounding the Seireitei was the Rukongai which is divided into the four cardinal directions with the district number increasing the further from the centre it was.
    Starting in 78th District of South Rukongai and far from the main road, the trio had a long journey of them before they reached the centre of Soul Society.

    The trio passed through many districts on their way to the Seireitei.
    However, when they were passing through the 74th District, Jinlin, they were stopped by three people. One was short, thin and had short black hair that was cut extremely poorly.
    Another was like a small giant, big, muscular and giving off an intimidating aura.
    The third was a teenager, shorter than Renji but holding a dagger.
    When the big man saw the three people he smiled.
    ⎾You three aren’t from Jinlin are ya.⏌ [ Big Man ]
    Renji quickly grasped the hilt of his wooden sword and glared at him.
    ⎾And what do you want from us?⏌ [ Renji ]
    The big man laughed.
    ⎾We’re going to kill you and absorb your Reishi. We kill anyone dumb enough to come into our area.⏌ [ Big Man ]
    In soul society, the souls can die due to the exhaustion of Reishi. However, after being killed, the soul will turn into Reishi and scatter throughout Soul Society.
    So, in order to absorb Reishi, many people will slaughter others, creating lawless and chaotic areas.
    For example, there is the 79th District, Chenzhan, of South Rukongai, the 79th District, Kusajishi, of North Rukongai, the 80th District, Zaraki, of North Rukongai and so on.
    Upon hearing the big man, Renji lifted up his wooden sword as Rukia and Xia Yan stood ready with their wooden sticks.
    Seeing the actions of the trio, the men laughed, showing a mocking smile.
    ⎾Ryoji, I’ll take the red-haired brat, you deal with the woman. A’jin, go play with the little kid.⏌ [ Big Man ]
    The short-haired youth sneered.
    ⎾Hehe, I’ll deal with her alright. I won’t kill her. Instead, I’ll make her kneel down and service me.⏌ [ Ryoji ]
    The three men immediately charged at the trio with the big man heading straight for Renji. The big man did not immediately attack but the short-haired youth and the teenager did not hesitate, pouncing on Rukia and Xia Yan.
    The short-haired youth surged towards Rukia, grabbing at her shoulder, but Rukia quickly stepped back and swing at the youth.
    The short-haired youth grabbed at the empty air but Rukia had already avoided.
    Instead, a stick coated with Reishi smashed down on his face.
    ⎾ACK!⏌ [ Ryoji ]
    The short-haired youth collapsed to the ground, grasping his broken nose.
    A slash containing Reishi can destroy stone let alone be blocked by the fragile face of the attacker.
    Meanwhile, the teenager rushed Xia Yan, the corner of his mouth twisted into a cruel smile as he thrust his knife at Xia Yan.
    ⎾Get outta here!⏌ [ Xia Yan ]
    Xia Yan shouted as his wooden stick slammed down onto the teenager’s hand, forcing him to drop his dagger.
    Swiftly, Xia Yan swung again, this time directly at the neck of the teenager.
    ⎾GE, ACK ACK ACK.⏌ [ A’jin ]
    The teenager gagged and wheezed while holding his damaged throat before kneeling on the floor in agony.
    Seeing the sudden turnaround, the big man was shocked. He didn’t expect the little kid and the girl to be so powerful. Wait. Doesn’t that mean this red-haired brat is even stronger?
    The big man gave up, grabbing the other two, he slowly retreated.
    Renji coldly snorted.
    ⎾Let’s go.⏌ [ Renji ]

    The three of them hastily left the Jinlin District, walking a few more blocks for good measure before they stopped to rest for a while.
    ⎾I definitely don’t want to come back here.⏌ [ Rukia ]
    Renji nods.
    ⎾Yup, we must become Shinigami.⏌ [ Renji ]
    The chaotic Rukongai was a truly dangerous place, causing people to fear for their lives on a daily basis. This was unbearable and the key to changing all of this was to become a Shinigami.
    All three of them swore in their minds to never to return to this place.
    After a short break, the group of three continued to move forward, along the way they were attacked once more, but they were not injured.
    The three of them had some of the highest class in the Rukongai, so there are few people that could possibly threaten them.

    It was evening when they arrive at the 30th District, the Antian District.
    It was a very stable area with not vagrants and slums, only calm streets and people coming and going.
    At the same time, these people are all very wary towards outsider and with the simple garbs of the trio, most people carefully skirted around them as they walked.
    The trio, however, didn’t mind and rested under a tree. The pleasant warmth of spring warmed as they slept.
    On the next day, the three left without a word, continuing on their journey towards the centre of Soul Society.
    At this point, they found that the number of people on the road towards the Seireitei was slowly increasing.
    By noon, they had reached the 20th District, the Jing’an District and found a tree to rest under.
    But at this moment, a voice rang out.
    ⎾Are you also going to the Spiritual Arts Academy?⏌ [ ??? ]
    Hearing this voice, Xia Yan looked up and saw a yellow-haired boy in front of him, garbed in a kimono. The left side of his face blocked by his hair, but he could see his blue right eye his fair skin.
    Seeing this iconic hairstyle, Xia Yan immediately realised who this was.
    It was the man Ichimaru Gin trusted to take care of the 3rd division and future Lieutenant of the 3rd Division, Kira Iziru.

    1. this site is messed up and your editing is really good , you are an unsung hero my friend if i had money i would send you some scottish wisky

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