BSI Chapter 34 : Madarame Ikkaku

Edited: XiaXue

In a blink of an eye, nine months have passed. Xia Yan has been borrowing Zanpakuto for 11 months. He has been infused every day, but he still has not been recognized by Zanpakuto.

Xia Yan is not in a hurry. He knows that his Zanpakuto will not be weak, so he just upgrades himself step by step.

And because Xia Yan is only a fifth-class Reiatsu, he can’t learn high level Kido for the time being, and he can’t master the three high-level Hadō of the 63rd Raikōhō of Hadō and the 88th Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō of Hadō.

These two Hadō are the most critical Hadō of Thunder Attribute Shunko, which is limited by Xia Yan inability to learn, and Shunko research has slowly entered a bottleneck.

So at this stage, Xia Yan main purpose is to improve Reiatsu, and raise the Reiatsu to sixth-class, so that he can improve himself in other aspects.

Xia Yan is a distance from the sixth-class spiritual pressure, but there is still a distance, but during this time, his Shunpo, Zanjutsu and Hakuda is improving rapidly.

Soi Fon special training helps Xia Yan grow very fast.

At this point, Xia Yan was slowly entering the Division of 11th Division. Just stepping in, there was a sound of the sound of the brush, “Xia Vice-captain is good.”

I saw many members of 11th Division on both sides and said hello to Xia Yan.

This kind of respect is not brought by Xia Yan duties, nor is it obtained from Kusajishi Yachiru relationship, but Xia Yan challenge to 11th Division.

He first came to 11th Division and was not taken seriously. He was considered a little ghost, and then challenged the ordinary Shinigami, and was also despised. The result was very easy to win.

After that, he fought with Shinigami, who was in the seat, and lost the contest from the beginning. In the end, he was able to beat 11th Division members after five seats.

Then he proposed to challenge Yumichika and was rejected Yumichika because there was no interest.

So Xia Yan challenged Ikkaku, who was ranked in three seats. As a result, I have been losing the test until now. Even Shikai of Ikkaku can’t be forced out, which makes him frustrated.

Xia Yan came here this time to challenge the Ikkaku again.

“Xia Yan, you are finally here. This time you have not come for a month, I thought you were afraid.”

Xia Yan just walked in, see the center of the house, Ikaku who traning holding the Zanpakuto, stopped the action and looked at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan said with a smile: “Ikkaku seniors, I hope you can say this after the end of the test.”

“brat, you are very confident.” Ikkaku stood on the ring with a sly look on his face.

Xia Yan came to the front of Ikkaku and said: “Of course, my trainig this month is only to defeat the Ikkaku predecessors.”

“Come on.”

Ikkaku pulled out Zanpakuto and held it in front of him, his eyes filled with fanaticism.

At this time, Yumichika not far away said: “Everyone who watch, be careful to be hurt by them.”

The member of 11th Division around the company quickly retired and gave the entire room to Xia Yan and Ikkaku.

“Come on.”

Ikkaku looks at Xia Yan, hands clenched on Zanpakuto.

“Ikkaku Senior, be careful.”

Xia Yan words fell, and the body suddenly disappeared. The next moment, a long knife stabbed the back of Ikkaku.


Ikkaku with the right foot as the axis, the body twisted, Xia Yan sword passed under the armpit of Ikkaku, stabbed empty.

However, Ikkaku is in this angle, the right hand is swaying, and the long knife slams into Xia Yan neck.

Fast response speed.

Xia Yan Shunpo speed far exceeds Ikkaku, but Ikkaku reaction is very fast. By relying on the extremely quick reaction, he can avoid the counterattack of Xia Yan, and he can wait for an opportunity.

When Ikaku Zanpakuto was about to touch Xia Yan neck, Xia Yan disappeared again, appearing on the side of Ikkaku, and Zanpakuto once again stabbed the squat of Ikkaku.

Xia Yan combat style is to use Zanpakuto to make a stab.

Slash is rarely used, one is because stab is more in line with his combat style. After all, he is short and good at Shunpo.

The second is because Xia Yan just uses Zanjutsu, not as good as Ikkaku.

Seeing that it was going to be stabbed, Zanpakuto of Ikkaku looked up and opened the Zanpakuto of Xia Yan.

Xia Yan target was his armpit, from the bottom up, he could not lift his arm down, so he could only squat up.

This cockroach, the body’s neutral is open, Xia Yan left hand five fingers pick up a joint, and hit Ikkaku’s lower abdomen with the palm of his hand.

Chongtianzhang. (X-N: this is original XD)


Ikkaku’s left hand clenched his fist in the abdomen in time, and Xia Yan palm shot was on the back of his hand, and he returned without success.

At this time, Ikkaku right hand picked up Xia Yan Zapnakuto and immediately held Zanpakuto in armpit and hit Xia Yan shoulder.

In the face of this blow, Xia Yan body rolled to the left front, at the same time, pulled back to Zanpakuto, along the rolling footprint, hit the Ikkaku calf.

Ikkaku can only jump backwards, but when he is still in midair, Xia Yan flies out three hidden weapons, to head of the Ikkaku, the chest and the abdomen.

These three hidden weapons are made by Xia Yan himself. The handle is two inches long and the blade is three inches long. The blade is similar to a military thorn, with sharp bulges and a deep blood groove.

Although the Soul Society’s soul is made up of Reishi, it also has blood, and losing two liters will kill, even if it is Zero Squad’s Nimaiya Ōetsu.

Xia Yan created this kind of hidden weapon, which is to kill the opponent as much as possible.

“Good insidious brat.”

Ikkaku saw the dark weapon, and Zanpakuto in his hand waved twice in the air. The hidden weapon that attacked the head and chest was opened, and the body fell to the ground. The footsteps glided and slid sideways, avoiding the hidden weapon that hit the abdomen.

But he just got a foothold and a figure appeared in front of him, and Zanpakuto once again stabbed the chest of Ikkaku.

Ikkaku coldly snorted, Zanpakuto slanted out, and Xia Yan Zanmpakuto opened.

But the next moment, Xia Yan has a short thorn in his left hand, stabbing the chest of Ikkaku.

Ikkaku used Zanpakuto to push forward, pushing away the moment of Xia Yan Zanpakuto, and quickly retreat, trying to avoid Xia Yan assault.


Xia Yan short thorns crossed the chest of Ikkaku, leaving a blood mark.

Xia Yan did not pursue the pursuit, but looked at Ikkaku, and said with a smile: “Ikkaku predecessor, Shikai.”

Xia Yan’s method of combat draws on the assassination of Onmitsukidō’s troops, and draws on Unohana Retsu use of Zaraki Kenpachi combat skills in the future, using the dagger hidden in his left hand to launch Attack on the enemy.

This month, Xia Yan is joint method of studying the hidden weapon and Zanpakuto, and upgrading his melee Strength.

“Okay, then I will use Shikai to fight you.”

In Ikkaku mind, I know that I can’t beat Xia Yan by fighting skills alone.

Although some of my heart is unwilling, Ikkaku is still low and said: “Extend, Hōzukimaru.”

As the voice of Ikkaku shouted out, the Zanpakuto in his hand changed, from the shape of the knife to a long spear, and the top of spear was a long knife.

This is the first form of the Ikkaku Zanpakuto, the long spear form.

Ikkaku turns the long spear in the right hand, and the long spear rotates around the arm, back to the behind, and the tip of the knife points to the ground.

Then Ikkaku took the left leg and bent his knees. He appeared in front of Xia Yan with a lunge gesture. He extended his left hand and gestured toward Xia Yan. He said, “Let’s begin.”

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