Chapter 7 : Assessment

Edited: XiaXue

  Renji sat cross-legged on the floor, looks at Kira Iziru and said, “Yes, we are going to the Spiritual Arts Academy to take the test, are you?”

  ”Well, I have to go to the Spiritual Arts Academy.”

  After Kira Iziru finished, he asked: “Which area are you from?”

  ”78th district, Inuzuri.”

  The sound of Renji has slowed down a lot. The 78th district is a poor and chaotic area, and many people look down on them.

  Kira Iziru nodded and said, “Since you have to go to the Spiritual Arts Academy, it is better to go back with me and have a rest at my house. Let’s go together in the afternoon.”

  Upon hearing this, Renji eyes lit up and asked, “Is it ok?”

  He didn’t care to go to other people’s homes to rest, but the opposite side invited him to make him feel very happy.

  Kira Iziru said softly: “Of course, let’s go.”

  Kira Iziru returned home with three people. His parents were very kind and didn’t care about the identity of the three. They went straight to the kitchen to cook and prepare lunch.

  Kira Iziru looks at Renji and said: “I haven’t introduced myself yet, my name is Kira Iziru.”

  ”Abarai Renji.”


  ”Xia Yan.”

  Three people one by one introduce themselves, hear Xia Yan’s words, Kira Iziru eyebrows pick, looks at Xia Yan asked: “What about you? Is it to send my brother and sister to participate in the assessment? ”

  Xia Yan has not answered, Renji took Xia Yan’s shoulder and said: “Don’t look at Xia Yan’s young age, he already has a fourth-class Reiatsu.”

  Kira Iziru stared with big eyes, looks at Xia Yan, There was some surprise in the eyes, and he asked dumbly, “How old are you?”

  Xia Yan replied: “Eleven years old.”

  Kira Iziru sighed and said: “I have reached the third-class Reiatsu for decades. You’re eleven years old and reached the fourth-class Reiatsu, is really an envy.”

  Xia Yan heard his words, but could not help but smile. It is already surprising that he has a fourth-class Reiatsu at the age of eleven.

  But if you know that after three years, the 13-year-old Tōshirō Hitsugaya has a sixth-class spiritual pressure and is one year away from the Spiritual Arts Academy graduation, which is expected to be even more surprising.

  Xia Yan, Renji and Rukia stayed at Kira Iziru’s home, where they were treated with hospitality and had a hearty lunch.

  Lunch was made with spiritual food, and it was the first meal that Xia Yan came to this World.

  Spiritual food contains an extremely large Reishi, and part of it becomes part of the body.

  A meal, the increase in Reiatsu, is equivalent to the result of the body after half a day of training, two meals, it is worth a day.

  If it is a spiritual food made by Zero Squad’s Hikifune Kirio, it can even directly increase the consumer Reiatsu to a large scale. In the original work of the Millennium Blood War, Hikifune Kirio uses a dish to help a Ichigo, Renji, Byakuya and Rukia improve their Reiatsu.

  The role of the spirit of food is undoubted, Xia Yan somewhat lamented, if he can eat every day, six months, his Reiatsu has almost reached five-class.

  However, he also thinks of a problem. Rukia and Renji have rarely eaten spiritual food for nearly a hundred years, and they have not used spiritual food as their main promotion style. So if they use spiritual food in the future, how much will the spiritual power increase? fast?

  Xia Yan knows that Spiritual Arts Academy provides free accommodation and food, and that this is why Rukia and Renji can stand out in the future.

  After the meal, Kira Iziru packed up the items and the four went together. In the afternoon, they set off for Seireitei.

  Seireitei is the place where Shinigami and the nobles live, and there is a clear dividing line between Rukongai, like two completely different Worlds, which are distinct from each other.

  In order to enter Seireitei, you must have a pass card before you can enter.

  If there is no pass,

Trying to enter Seireitei will be blocked by the net spirit door, and then there will be four outstanding lords stationed in the four gates of the southeast and northwest to resist.

  In South Rukongai’s South Gate, which is Red Hollow Gate, the gate responsible for Warden is a hero called Higonyūdō.

  He is not Shinigami, but his huge size makes him have a formidable Strength and is good at fighting. Ordinary Shinigami is not an opponent at all.

  At this time, sitting on the side of Red Hollow Gate the giant cross-legged, not far away is a simple shed, several Shinigami sitting behind the table, in front of a banner, which reads:

  “Spiritual Arts Academy Southern Assessment Location.”

  Renji asked curiously: “This is the place for assessment?”

  Kira Iziru nodded and said: “Yes, after passing the assessment, you can enter Seireitei and go to the Spiritual Arts Academy.”

  ”Let’s go over.”

  Renji eyes are shining, and the four people came to the assessment point. There are already residents of Rukongai who are being assessed. Most of them are teenagers, between the ages of 15 and 19.

  Of course, in Soul Society, soul age is much lower than Human World, especially the higher Reiatsu, the slower the aging speed.

  Most people are more than 100 years old on the appearance of young and teenage. Like Unohana Retsu is still not old for 2000 years. Tōshirō Hitsugaya is 50 years old, he basically stayed at the age of nine.

  Four people entered the crowd, Xia Yan’s eyes looked at the assessment scene, found that the Shinigami responsible for the assessment, asked a few questions, they took out two instruments to test.

  ”What are the two instruments? What is being tested?” Xia Yan asked in a whisper from behind.

  Kira Iziru said with a smile: “These two instruments, one test age, one test is Reiatsu.”

  Renji looked a little and asked: “Isn’t it just Reiatsu?”

  Kira Iziru nodded. “To get into the Spiritual Arts Academy, the age is not more than 200 years old, except for Reiatsu.”

  ”It turned out to be test of age.”

  Renji nodded and said: “This is no problem, we have not reached this age.”

  Xia Yan is younger and naturally does not need to worry.

  Four people stood in the queue waiting, some of the people in front passed the test, and some could only leave.

  Soon arrived at Renji turn, who was in charge of a middle-aged Shinigami wearing Shihakushō with a faint smile on his face.

  There is also a young girl next to the examiner, sitting next to him and taking out a form.

  Renji was first, examiner looks at Renji and asked, “What is the name?”

  ”Abarai Renji.”

  ”Place of residence?”

  “South Rukongai, Inuzuri.”

  The examiner kept asking, and the girl next to it recorded the content. After the basic inquiry, the examiner took out an instrument, similar to goggles, with a black body, a screen on it, and a black strap. He handed the instrument to Renji and said, “Take it.”

  Renji quickly took the instrument and after a few seconds there were three numbers 126 on it.

  The examiner nodded and said: “126 years old.”

  After the girl next to me wrote down, the examiner took back the age-exploring instrument and took out a wristband to Renji.

  Renji took the wristband and it didn’t take long for a four-character to appear on the display on the wristband.

  ”Fourth-class Reiatsu.”

  The examiner said: “Meet the Spiritual Arts Academy assessment criteria and become a student of the Spiritual Arts Academy.”


  Upon hearing this, Renji cheered.

  The middle-aged Shinigami waved his hand and said, “Well, you are waiting to be there, and a teacher will take you to the Spiritual Arts Academy.”

  Renji nodded and waited. At the same time, he turned and give a thumbs up at Rukia, Xia Yan and Kira Iziru.

  Next up is Rukia and Kira Iziru, and the two showcased the Ability of gathering Reishi and passed the assessment.

  Rukia is 112 years old, third-class Reiatsu, Kira Iziru is 136 years old, third-class Reiatsu.

  After three person assessment, he arrived at Xia Yan. After Xia Yan answered the basic questions, the examiner handed him his age test instrument.

  After Xia Yan put it on, only a number appeared on the top, 11.

  Seeing this scene, the examiner picked up an eyebrow and said: “You’re eleven, so small? It seems that you are Freshman soul. ”

  The age and appearance of the Soul Society are very different. Many people are only looks in their teens, but they are actually in their 100 years.

  Like Xia Yan, who is only 11 years old, and the same age as the appearance, is basically Freshman Soul.

  The examiner handed the wristband to Xia Yan and said, “Test Reiatsu.”

  Xia Yan nodded and put on a wristband. A four-character appeared on the screen above.

  ”Fourth-class Reiatsu?”

  The examiner looked at Xia Yan with astonishment, said: “At the age of eleven, there is a fourth-class Reiatsu, and your late talent is excellent.”

  At the Spiritual Arts Academy, there are many students with excellent talent, and there is no shortage of sixth-class Reiatsu genius.

  For example, Kaien Shiba, who graduated 50 years ago, has a sixth-class Reiatsu, but he is one of the five nobles of the Shiba family. Although the family has fallen, it still has a formidable background, and he participated in the assessment, which is also in the family cultivation. After entering the Spiritual Arts Academy, it was already over 100 years old.

  For example, Ichimaru Gin used to have a sixth-class spiritual pressure. Although he was born in Rukongai and was an orphan, he was only in his 100 years old when he was attacked by Matsumoto Rangiku before he entered the Spiritual Arts Academy and tried to get close to the murderer.

  And like Xia Yan, who is only 11 years old, or a Freshman soul, has a fourth-class Reiatsu. Such latent talent is extremely good, and it is rare in the Spiritual Arts Academy.

  Xia Yan looks at Shinigami in front of him, and he asks: “Sir, am I passed the assessment, can I enter the Spiritual Arts Academy?”

  The examiner said with a smile: “Of course, you are also waiting to there.”

  Xia Yan came to the trio with the joy of heart, and except for Kira Iziru face indifferent, Renji, Rukia and Xia Yan look a little excited.

  Being able to enter the Spiritual Arts Academy means that in the next six years, they will be in a stable environment.

  You don’t have to live in a run-down house, endure cold and hot, no hooligan harassment, you can also eat delicious food.

  And in the future, you can become Shinigami, and you can live in the singularity and have a superior life.

  Entering the Spiritual Arts Academy is the beginning of changing your destiny.

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9 Replies to “Chapter 7 : Assessment”

  1. The examiner is I passed the assessment, maybe it will more apt to change it to, Sir or Examiner-san(if it’s japanese novel :D), am I passed the assessment

    and “Of course, you are also waiting to be there.” it’s sounds weird when i read it, how about “Of course, you will also waited to be there.” or maybe not 😀 i also confused.

    thx for the chapter ^^

  2. Is there raws we can check up on. Im invested in the story and Im wondering how many chapters there is in total.
    Also, is this a harem or a single girl romance?

  3. The alcohol is flowing today and the leecher is pouring more edits into your cup.

    Chapter 7: Assessment
    Renji sat cross-legged on the floor and looked at Kira.
    “Yeah, that right, we’re going to the Spiritual Arts Academy to take the test and you?” [ Renji ]
    “Same here, I’m also going to the Spiritual Arts Academy.” [ Kira ]
    “Which area are guys from anyway?” [ Kira ]
    Hearing Kira’s question, Renji hesitated. The 78th district is a poor and chaotic area causing many people to look down on them.
    “… the 78th district.” [ Renji ]
    “Perfect, since you have to go to the Spiritual Arts Academy you can come over to my home and take a break there. We can go together in the afternoon.” [ Kira ]
    “Is it fine?” [ Renji ]
    Renji’s eyes lit up when he saw Kira nodding and asking them over.
    He wasn’t interested in the homes of others but was instead delighted by the fact that the other had invited him over.
    “Of course, let’s go.” [ Kira ]
    Kira returned home with the trio in tow. His parents were very kind and didn’t mind the appearance nor the identity of their new visitors, instead they heading straight to the kitchen to cook lunch for them.
    After sitting everyone down, Kira looked at Renji.
    “I haven’t introduced myself yet, my name is Kira Iziru.” [ Kira ]
    “Abarai Renji.” [ Renji ]
    “Rukia.” [ Rukia ]
    “Xia Yan.” [ Xia Yan ]
    The three of them introduced themselves one by one. Hearing Xia Yan’s words, Kira raised an eyebrow and looked at Xia Yan.
    “Hmm? What are you doing here? Are you here to send your brother and sister to the assessment?” [ Kira ]
    Xia Yan did not immediately respond, instead, Renji grabbed his shoulder and explained.
    “Don’t look down at our Xia Yan’s young age, he’s already gained 4th class Reiatsu.” [ Renji ]
    Kira’s eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Xia Yan before slowly asking.
    “Wait, how old are you?” [ Kira ]
    “Eleven years old.” [ Xia Yan ]
    Kira sighed.
    “I’ve spent decades with 3rd class Reiatsu while you’re eleven years old and you’ve already reached 4th class Reiatsu. Truly enviable.” [ Kira ]
    Hearing these words, Xia Yan couldn’t help but smile. It was definitely impressive for him to achieve 4th class Reiatsu by the age of eleven. But he knew that in three years, the 13-year-old Tōshirō Hitsugaya had gained 6th class Reiatsu and would graduate from the Spiritual Arts Academy in a year which is far, far more impressive.
    Xia Yan, Renji and Rukia continued to stay at Kira’s home, where they were treated with great hospitality and enjoyed a hearty lunch.
    The meal was made of spirit foods and was the first real meal that Xia Yan had ever since he was reborn into this world.
    Spirit food contains an extremely large amount of Reishi that melds with the body.
    A single meal has the same effect as training hard for half a day and eating two meals a day meant that you would get a full days’ worth of training just from eating.
    If it’s the spiritual food made by the Zero Division’s Hikifune Kirio, it can even send the eater’s Reiatsu skyrocketing. In the original work, during the Millennium Blood Warm, Hikifune Kirio used her dishes to help Ichigo, Renji, Byakuya and Rukia greatly increase their Reiatsu.
    The role of spirit food is undoubtable. Xia Yan quietly thought, if he could eat this every day, in six months he would almost reach 5th class Reiatsu.
    However, he also realised something. Rukia and Renji have almost never eaten spirit food in the last hundreds and have not had spirit food to help them promote their strength. Once they start eating spirit food in the future, how much faster would they improve in the future? Would it be monstrous?
    Xia Yan knew that the Spiritual Arts Academy provides free accommodation and food which means that Rukia and Renji will undoubtedly stand out in the future.
    After the meal, Kira packed up his things and the four left together. It was afternoon when they set off for the Seireitei once again.
    The Seireitei is the are which Shinigami and nobles live with a clear dividing line between it and the Rukongai, like two completely different worlds, distinct and separated.
    In order to enter the Seireitei, you have to gain a pass card before you can enter.
    If you don’t have one, your attempts to enter the Seireitei will be thwarted by the giant keepers with one stationed at the gate in the four-cardinal direction.
    The south gate connected to the South Rukongai is called the Red Hollow gate and the warden responsible is a giant called Higonyūdō.
    Higonyūdō is not a Shinigami, but his huge size grants him a formidable strength and skilful fighting techniques means that ordinary Shinigami are not his opponent.
    Currently, the giant is sitting cross-legged next to the Red Hollow Gate. Nearby there is a simple shed with several Shinigami sitting at a table inside. On the front, there was a banner reading.
    “Spiritual Arts Academy Southern Assessment Location.”
    Renji asked curiously.
    “Is this the place for the assessment?” [ Renji ]
    Kira nods.
    “Yes, after passing the assessment, you are allowed into the Seireitei and can attend the Spiritual Arts Academy.” [ Kira ]
    “Let’s go then.” [ Renji ]
    Renji’s eyes were shining and the four people made their way to the assessment point. There were already a number of other people from the Rukongai who were being assessed. Most of them looked between 15 and 19 years old.
    Of course, in Soul Society, souls age much slower than Humans, especially as their Reiatsu class increase.
    Most people who are around 100 years old look like teenagers. For example, Uonhana Retsu still looks young despite being 2000 years old and Tōshirō Hitsugaya is 50 years old despite looking like he’s 9 years old.
    The four of them joined the line as Xia Yan’s eyes roamed around the assessment location. He found that the Shinigami responsible for the assessment would ask a few questions before pulling out two instruments.
    Xia Yan quietly asked Kira.
    “What are those instruments? What’s being tested?” [ Xia Yan ]
    “Those two instruments test your age and the class of your Reiatsu.” [ Kira ]
    “It isn’t just Reiatsu?” [ Renji ]
    “Indeed, to get into the Spiritual Arts Academy, other than having 3rd class Reiatsu, you must also not be more than 200 years old.” [ Kira ]
    “Ah, so it turns out that age is also important.” [ Renji ]
    “Well, this isn’t a problem for any of us then.” [ Renji [
    Xia Yan was the youngest of the group and naturally did not have to worry.
    The four people stood in the queue waiting, watching as some people in front passed while others had no choice but to leave.
    Soon it was Renji’s turn. A middle-aged Shinigami wearing Shihakushō with a faint smile on his face was in charge of Renji.
    There is also a younger girl next to him who was taking out a form.
    The examiner looked at Renji and asked.
    “What is your name.” [ Examiner ]
    “Abarai Renji.” [ Renji ]
    “Place of residence.” [ Examiner ]
    “South Rukongai, Inuzuri.” [ Renji ]
    The examiner continued asking questions, while the girl next to him recorded the contents. After a basic inquiry, the examiner took out an instrument that looked like googles with a black body, a screen on it and a black strap. He handed the instrument to Renji.
    “Put this on.” [ Examiner ]
    Renji quickly took the instrument and after a few seconds, the number 126 appeared on the screen.
    “126 years old.” [ Examiner ]
    The examiner nodded and the girl noted it down. Taking back the age measuring instrument, the examiner handed Renji a wristband.
    Renji took the wristband and after a moment a 4-character appeared on the display on the wristband.
    “4th class Reiatsu.” [ Examiner ]
    “You meet the requirements to enter the Spiritual Arts Academy and have become an official student of the academy.” [ Examiner ]
    “Nice!” [ Renji ]
    Upon hearing this, Renji cheered.
    The middle-aged Shinigami waved his hand.
    “Good, wait over there, a teacher will come soon and take you to the Spiritual Arts Academy.” [ Examiner ]
    Renji nodded and walked over. At the same time, he turned and gave Rukia, Xia Yan and Kira a thumbs up.
    Next up were Rukia and Kira. They both showed their ability to gather Reishi and passed the assessment.
    Rukia was 112 years old with 3rd class Reiatsu while Kira was 136 years old with 3rd class Reiatsu.
    After the assessment of those three, it was Xia Yan’s turn. Answering the basic questions, the examiner handed him the age testing instrument.
    After Xia Yan put it on only two digits appeared.
    Seeing this, the examiner cocked an eyebrow.
    “You’re eleven? So young? You must be a Freshman Soul.” [ Examiner ]
    The age and appearance of people in Soul Society usually has a huge disparity with many people looking like they’re in their teens while actually being in their hundreds.
    Anyone like the 11-year-old Xia Yan, who has the same age as their appearance is basically guaranteed to be a Freshman Soul.
    The examiner then handed the wristband to Xia Yan.
    “Now for the Reiatsu test.” [ Examiner ]
    Xia Yan nodded and put on the wristband. A 4-character appeared on the screen.
    “4th class Reiatsu?” [ Examiner ]
    The examiner looked at Xia Yan in astonishment.
    “Reaching 4th class Reiatsu at the age of 11. You have excellent latent talent.” [ Examiner ]
    In the Spiritual Arts Academy, there are many talented students and there was no shortage of 6th class Reiatsu geniuses.
    For example, Kaien Shiba, who graduated 50 years ago, had 6th class Reiatsu, but he is part of the Shiba family of the five noble families. Despite its fall, the Shiba family was still formidable and Kaien did get a lot of additional training from his family, by the time he entered the Spiritual Arts Academy, he was already over 100 years old.
    Another example is Ichimaru Gin who also has 6th class Reiatsu despite the fact he was born in the Rukongai as an orphan. He was only a hundred years old when he saw Matsumoto Rangiku being attacked after which he entered the Spiritual Arts Academy to try and get close to the attacker.
    Xia Yan could also be considered a great talent in the Spiritual Arts Academy, being an 11-year-old Freshman Soul that has already gained 4th class Reiatsu.
    Xia Yan looked at the middle-aged Shinigami in front of him.
    “Sir, have I passed the assessment? Can I enter the Spiritual Arts Academy?” [ Xia Yan ]
    The examiner replied with a smile.
    “Of course, wait just over there.” [ Examiner ]
    Xia Yan ran over to the waiting trio with a happy heart. Aside from the indifferent looking Kira, Renji, Rukia and Xia Yan all looked excited.
    Being able to enter the Spiritual Arts Academy meant that for the next six years, they would be able to live in a stable environment.
    They wouldn’t need to live in a run-down house, enduring the cold and heat, avoiding the harassment of hooligans and they even got to eat delicious food.
    And in the future, if they became Shinigami, they would be able to live in the Seireitei and enjoy a comfortable life.
    Truly, entering the Spiritual Arts Academy is the first step to changing your destiny.

    1. Ah I forgot to change the quotation marks into the Japanese brackets.

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