MST Chapter 324 : Which calligrapher wrote this character?

Edited: XiaXue

That night.

Ye Guang ate an extra bowl of rice because he was so happy.

Oh, so strange, why is the amount of food related to emotions.

Father Liu attitude towards Ye Guang has eased a lot these days. He doesn’t trouble Ye Guang at every turn as before. Ye Guang has a good appetite today. Father Liu didn’t say that he is a pig. Instead, he said something when Ye Guang was immersed in food, “Eat more food.”

Just such a simple sentence makes Ye Guang moved so much that it is unnecessary.

Ok, you just have to make a living.

He stayed at Liu Chiyan’s house for a few days. Ye Guang really has nothing to do in the past few days. The program is not in a hurry. Foundation also had to wait for Fan Qingwen. In addition to going online to check the establishment these days about some of the Foundation’s materials and some professional knowledge, his main job is to send and pick up Yiyi to go to school.

Yiyi was pretty good at school and was quite used to it. However, since the last time Yiyi beat and cried three boys, many of the naughty little friends in the kindergarten actually walked around when they saw Yiyi, which was really funny.

Ye Guang has been free recently, and originally wanted to go back to Nanchang, but Yiyi is now going to school, so he has to pick her up.

Therefore, Ye Guang has recently begun to consider a question. He and Liu Chiyan will have no doubt about this in the future, but Yiyi is now in kindergarten in Beijing, but he can’t stay in Beijing forever? His family is in Nanchang. Is it possible to transfer Yiyi to Nanchang again?

Now, Yiyi is only on the kindergarten, and it doesn’t matter where it is, but when she enters elementary school, it’s inconvenient to go around like this, and it’s also extremely detrimental to Yiyi’s study. So Ye Guang also considers whether he will return after this period of time to go back to Nanchang and settle down in Nanchang. After all, his home is in Nanchang.

Or develop in Beijing? Then bring his parents over to live together in the future?

But this idea just flashed in Ye Guang’s mind and quickly dispelled. He still had to go back to Nanchang. Although Nanchang is not as good as the capital, Ye Guang likes to stay in Nanchang. In his hometown, he stays comfortable.

Father Ye and Mother Ye wouldn’t agree to leave their hometowns to Beijing at such an old age, would they? Also, it’s not long after Liu Chiyan’s studio moved to Nanchang. She also bought an office building and purchased so many instruments and equipment. This is all money, if he moved back to the capital, it will take a lot of effort and money.

Mother Ye is right, be diligent and thrifty! Don’t mess around with money!

Ye Guang also said this matter to Liu Chiyan. Liu Chiyan has no opinion. “You make a decision, listen to you, wherever you go, I will go.”

Ye Guang was so moved that he didn’t want to let her go. That night, he was daring to pull Liu Chiyan at her house and didn’t let her return to her own room, and paid her back the interest for the whole night.

Since you have decided to go back, it’s as early as possible.

The next day, Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan spoke with Father Liu and Mother Liu about their plans with some embarrassing feelings.

Father Liu and Mother Liu have no objection. After their daughter is married, it is reasonable to live with her husband’s house. They are still not old, and the couple are not ordinary people. They will not spend time at home expecting their children to accompany each other. Each has their own business to be busy, and there is some free time on weekends. If you really want to miss your daughter or granddaughter, now the traffic has developed, you can make Liu Chiyan and Yiyi come back by making a phone call.

Besides, Liu Chiyan used to be busy at work, and actually didn’t spend much time at home. Father Liu and mother Liu had been used to it. Perhaps without Ye Guang presence, Father Liu still didn’t see her and felt comfortable.

However, Father Liu didn’t let Ye Guang return to Nanchang immediately, but let him stay for two more days, “Go back in a few days. There will be a calligraphy event this weekend. You will come with me.”

Ye Guang nodded and agreed, “Good.” To be honest, Ye Guang was quite happy. Since the parents met, Father Liu attitude towards him has obviously eased a lot. Now he is still letting him go to some calligraphy meeting with him. This is a good phenomenon, which shows that Ye Guang is not so disgusting in Father Liu heart.

Father Liu rarely socializes on weekdays.

In fact, there are not many people who allow him to socialize, and they are rarely invited to participate in any bureau or meeting. He is not interested in these invitations. However, the calligraphy meeting, Father Liu, is still somewhat interested. It was held in previous years, and he occasionally goes there on a whim.

This year, Father Liu actually didn’t plan to go at the beginning, but he was seduced. Father Liu has a good friend who is also his college classmate. He is the honorary president of the Calligraphy Association, named Shu Hai, a contemporary Calligraphy.

Several of Father Liu Calligraphy collection contains are his masterpieces. Father Liu has a close relationship with him. The two have known each other for many years and often discuss calligraphy together.

Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan were penalized for copying the book by Liu Father, and Father Liu saw Ye Guang first page copied in Cursive script when he first checked it. Later, he specially made this page into a scroll, and once again explored calligraphy with Shu Hai. At the time, Father Liu took out the first page of Ye Guang copybook and showed it to Shu Hai.

When Shu Hai saw Ye Guang world, he was quite surprised and liked. He quickly asked which calligrapher work, but Father Liu only said that it was written by a junior in the family.

Shu Hai loves words. Seeing that Father Liu has such a good copybook, his heart itches and asks Father Liu to give him this copybook. Father Liu is also a lover, so why would he leave this to others?

Finally, Shu Hai  came up with an idea, “Didn’t you say that this was written by your junior? I don’t want this one of yours either. It’s a shame to write with a hard pen. You asked your junior to write with a brush again and give it to me.”

Father Liu was still stiff with Ye Guang at the time, so naturally he didn’t agree, but in the end he didn’t resist Shu Hai’s reluctant chattering and spoiling. Moreover, Shu Hai also brought out a reason that Father Liu couldn’t refuse.

“”I have written to you all these years. I just want to do this once with you. Why do you have the heart to reject me? We have been in friendship for so many years.”

Liu Father retreated.

As a result, there was a situation in which Dad Liu bit his head and cheeky, looking for Ye Guang to write two words that morning.

In other words, Father Liu is quite a chicken thief. At that time, Ye Guang wrote two pieces. He also specifically stated that the second one can’t be better than the first one. He put the good one in his own collection, and gave the worse one to Shu Hai.

It’s a bit worse, but it’s actually the same. At least they are all good words, then Father Liu took the world to Shu Hai. When Shu Hai saw the word, he was surprised and full of praise, and then said that he didn’t believe it was written by a junior in Father Liu family.

“Old Liu, how many years do you say we have been friends? You know how I treat you normally, why you don’t have a word of honesty when you come to me. Tell me honestly, which calligrapher wrote this character? Don’t hide and tucked, I don’t believe this is written by your junior. This is the first time I have seen cursive script in this state. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best cursive script I have ever seen. Seeing this word is vigorous and powerful, wild and elegant. Both the words reveal a detached elegance, this kind of skill can’t be achieved without study of cursive script for decades!”

Father Liu smiled helplessly, “Really a junior in the family.”

“I don’t believe it!” Shu Hai said nothing, “Seeing is believing, unless you bring me to see, I definitely don’t believe it!”

Father Liu didn’t agree at the time, so he evaded and said, “Let’s talk later.”

There is no more words after that.

When this calligraphy meeting ready to start, Father Liu also received an invitation, Shu Hai also had been instigating him to go there, and asked him to bring the person who wrote the Cursive script.

Father Liu only promised to go there, but Shu Hai didn’t accept it.  He insisted Father Liu to bring Ye Guang,  He also went to find several old Taishan in calligraphy circles. He told them, Father Liu knew a cursive master, but he refused to introduce it to the big guys, and let everyone go lobbying.

Several old calligraphers went out together, so Father Liu still has to sell this face, and finally he followed Shu Hai wishes and agreed to bring Ye Guang.

In fact, Father Liu was willing to take Ye Guang to the calligraphy meeting. There’s also a reason why Father Liu attitude towards Ye Guang was relaxed during this period. Although Father Liu still has no good feelings for Ye Guang, Ye Guang is already the son-in-law he recognized by pinching his nose.

Taking Ye Guang to calligraphy meeting to know some big names in the calligraphy world. Let Ye Guang know more people and accumulate some contacts, which is also good for Ye Guang.

In the end, it is still his own son-in-law, which he still has to consider it when he should be considered, Liu Father has a heart.



Saturday after two days.

After eating a breakfast at home and resting for a while, Father Liu went out with Ye Guang

The road was quite far away. Father Liu and Ye Guang didn’t say anything along the way. When they arrived, Father Liu said a few words to Ye Guang.

“Most of them are elders,  speak and act decently.”

“Speak less, watch more, try to show less.”

The calligraphy meeting location is in a clubhouse, which was very elegant. When Ye Guang and Father Liu arrived, there were already many cars parked at the door.

There are several people at the entrance of the clubhouse to welcome the guests.

When Father Liu and Ye Guang got out of the car, a few people immediately noticed and greeted them quickly.

“Welcome, Minister Liu, welcome to visit us.”

“Minister Liu is able to come, its must be brilliant.”


A few people flattered.

“Hello.” Father Liu shook hands with a few people to say hello.

Ye Guang brought by Father Liu, naturally noticed by them.

“Minister Liu, who is this?” Someone asked.

Father Liu turned his head and glanced at Ye Guang. Without a specific introduction, he only said, “A junior in the family, bring him to meet the world.”

Ye Guang also immediately reached out and shook hands with several people to say hello, “Hello, my name is Ye Guang.”

Several people also shook hands with Ye Guang, and didn’t ask much. It is normal to bring juniors to the calligraphy meeting to see the world. Many of the masters who came today also brought their own juniors, or were accompanied by juniors. After all, many masters are old and not young, it’s impossible to go out without a young companion.

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