Chapter 5 : Winter

Edited: XiaXue

  Winter is a disaster for the residents of Rukongai.

  The cold temperature makes the speed of Reishi’s loss in the soul speed up. The lower pressure of the spiritual pressure alone can’t make up for the consumption of Reishi. You must eat the food made by Reishi.

  The food in Rukongai is lacking. The price of food in the winter is increasing. They have no extra money to buy food.

  As time went by, the temperature was getting lower and lower, and finally it was the coldest. After a heavy snowfall, World was covered by white, and the cold invaded everyone.

  Because the temperature is too cold, the density of Reishi in the air is greatly reduced, and the speed at which they absorb Reishi is also reduced, so they simply cannot replenish consumption by absorbing free Reishi in the air.

  And outside was sealed by snow, unable to go out to fetch water, which made the three people into hunger.

  In the cold and hungry state, their Reishi consumes a very fast speed, and Xia Yan is shivering in the frozen.

  In particular, Rukia, which has only a third-class physical pressure, Reishi has been devastated, and the results of hard work for half a year have been reduced.

  So Renji looks at Xia Yan and Rukia: “If there is no more food, our Reishi will consume too much.”

  Rukia frowned and said, “Where can we go to find food?”

  Renji looks at a distance and said: “You can only steal.”


  Xia Yan eyes widened, looks at Renji.

  The latter nodded and said: “Yes, this is the only way, we can’t let them starve to death.”

  Rukia asked: “Where to go?”

  Renji whispered: “I have been stepping on these days and found that the Murata family has made a lot of buns, so we can steal a few back.”

  Rukia thought about it and said, “Would you like to ask a few? Maybe they will give it to us. ”

  Renji waved his hand and said, “This is impossible. Murata family is relatively rich in the Rukongai, but it is only a little marginal. How could it be given to us?”

  Rukia nodded and said, “Then we can only steal.”

  Renji waved and said, “Let’s go.”

  When the three people got out of the house, they immediately felt a cold breath coming. The three men walked on the thick snow and went to the village. Renji pointed to the house not far away and said, “That is Murata’s home, right. The room is the kitchen, the buns have been steamed, just in the kitchen. The kitchen has a window, but the window is small, only Xia Yan can go in. I took them out at the main entrance for a while, Xia Yan, you climbed into the side window and stole the buns. Rukia, you met him outside, waiting for me to signal. ”

  Xia Yan and Rukia looked at each other and said, “Okay.”

  The two went to the kitchen window, Xia Yan listened to the ear, and some of them were busy, so they gestured to Renji.

  Renji nodded and took a deep breath. At the gate, he raised his palm and patted the wooden door.

  Not long after, the wooden door opened and a man appeared at the gate. Look at Renji said, “How is it?”

  Renji is very famous in Rukongai, living with several orphans, fighting for people, others are afraid to provoke him.

  Renji looks at opposite side and pleads: “Uncle, I don’t know if you can give some food. My brother and sister are going to starve.”

  The man heard this, coldly snorted, and said: “You are hungry and starve, regardless of none our business, go quickly.”

  Renji is still pleading: “I beg you, just give a little food.”

  The man waved his dissatisfaction and shouted: “Shut up, not give, i will not give.”

  Renji immediately grabbed the man arm. The man wanted to push Renji away. Renji hugged the man arm and didn’t let it go.

  And this time,

The man’s wife was alarmed and came outside the house to ask what happened.

  At this moment, Xia Yan pushed open the window, and Rukia crouched down and hugged Xia Yan’s both legs and jerked up.

  Xia Yan, the right hands, carried the window, climbed into the room, entered the room, jumped out of the window, and walked toward the buns.

  Open the lid and the white buns in it exude a tempting aroma.


  Xia Yan reached out and took the steamed buns. The result was hand burned and the pain directly make me recovered.

  Xia Yan felt a little hot, but did not give up, endured the heat, grabbed a few buns, put it in his arms and ran towards the window.

  The window was taller, but Xia Yan moved to the stool, stepped on the stool and Launched the body, and handed the buns in his arms to Rukia.

  After Rukia took over, Xia Yan went to climb the window, but the stool was short, and Xia Yan’s head was short. If he wanted to climb out of the window, he had to force it up. This support tripped the chair and issued a kuāng dāng sound.

  What was that?

  The wife of this family heard the sound and returned to the house in a hurry. At this time, Xia Yan just climbed the window.

  Seeing the movement of Xia Yan, the opposite side immediately understood what was happening and shouted loudly: “Someone steals.”

  ”Stealing things?”

  The man heard this and despised Renji. He said with anger: “Okay, you are trying to hold me, let others steal things, little bastard, see if I don’t kill you.”

  The man said, kicking Renji to the ground and punching and kicking him. Renji has a fourth-class Reiatsu, activate Reishi, how can he be afraid of the opposite side?

  But Renji knew that he was stealing things. He was wrong himself, so he did not resist. He just huddled the body and was beaten on the ground by him.

  In the kitchen, the hostess wanted to catch Xia Yan, but Xia Yan jumped out of the window directly. After landing, he followed Rukia out of the corner, and then they saw the beaten Renji.

  The male owner saw Xia Yan and Rukia and shouted: “Don’t run, put things down.”

  He said that he had to chase two people, but Renji clung to his both legs and shouted: “Run.”

  Xia Yan still hesitated. Rukia was calmer and shouted: “Let’s go.”

  Xia Yan gritted his teeth and ran back to the house with Rukia. The male owner of Murata’s family could not catch up and continued to beat Renji.

  Back to the house, Rukia took out the buns in her arms, a total of three, exuding white air.

  Xia Yan looks at the big buns at white, the saliva is flowing out quickly. When I came to this World for nearly half a year, I didn’t have a meal and I was very upset.

  Seeing that Xia Yan looked like this, Rukia handed a bun directly to Xia Yan and said, “You should eat it first.”

  Xia Yan shook the shook head and said, “No, Renji has not come yet.”

  Rukia stuffed the buns into Xia Yan’s arms and said, “Let you eat and eat, hurry.”

  Xia Yan glanced at the buns, still did not intend to eat before Renji came back. After all, he was beaten to let them eat food.

  Seeing that Xia Yan insisted on not eating, Rukia also gave up.

  It was at this time that the curtain was opened and Renji entered the room, his nose was swollen and his clothes were torn.

  Rukia immediately stood up and asked, “Renji, are you okay?”

  Renji waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, it’s just a skin injury.”

  Xia Yan saw this scene and apologized apologetically: “Renji Big Brother, if I didn’t kick the chair, I wouldn’t be found.”

  Renji patted the head of Xia Yan and said, “Nothing, you can complete the mission is enough.”

  Rukia immediately said: “There are three buns, one for each.”


  Renji took a steamed buns, and the three of them had a buns and couldn’t wait to eat them.

  The Soul Society’s crops are made up of Reishi, wheat is ground with flour, vegetables can be cooked directly, and they are rich in Reishi.

  Not only that, but also biscuits, Senbei, tea, wine and other foods.

  The food containing Reishi is more delicious than the taste in Human World. Xia Yan bites the buns, although it is plain stuffing, but the taste is very delicious.

  The three gathered together to eat buns, although the outside is still cold, the next meal is still not settled, but Xia Yan feels a touch of warmth.

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5 Replies to “Chapter 5 : Winter”

  1. Wow, i’m loving this so far. I have no come across a good bleach fan fiction, this has intentional and I’ll say behind this. The only thing i’m not sure about right now is the upload schedule since you guys released 4 chapters in a single say (As of Feb 14, 7:50 A.M. CST 2019).

  2. “Come on, don’t give, don’t give.” maybe “Stop it/Shut up, not give, i will not give.”

    The result was burned and the hand was directly recovered. maybe my hand burned as the result and the pain instantly wake me up/recovered(recovered here is recovered from the shock not recovered from the wound).

    stepped on the stool and explored the body. maybe stepped on the stool and leap/Jump/Launched the body.

    Renji licked the head of Xia Yan. maybe Renji patted the head of Xia Yan

    “Nothing, you can complete Quest enough.” “It’s okay, you can complete mission is enough.”

    And also the Author Theory about less and thin Reiatsu at winter is wrong, it’s the opposite it’s filled with dense Reiatsu, but not your normal Reiatsu, but cold and ice element Reiatsu, so the body burn a lot of energy/Reiatsu to keep your body warm, except some certain clan or someone that excelled in Cold,Snow&Ice Technique and mastering to control and absorb that kind of Reiatsu. and if there is less and thin Reiatsu, there is no way there will be snow, ice, snow storm and hail storm.

    Thx for the chapter ^^

    1. It seems like i missed it, wanna help me for proofreader…? I just have a night for online and morning before go to work hahah

  3. Your friend the Alcoholic Leecher is here again to clog up your comments. Damn, I wish I had a big bro like Renji…

    Chapter 5: Winter
    Winter is always a nightmare for the residents of Rukongai.
    The cold temperature increases the speed of Reishi in the soul. Those with lower-class Reiatsu can’t make up for the increased consumption of Reishi and must eat food composed of Reishi to survive.
    However, food was already lacking in Rukongai and with the approach of winter the price of food would only increase, and most would not have sufficient money to purchase these life-saving goods.
    As time flowed on, the temperature continued to get lower and lower until it was the dead of winter. After some heavy snowfall, the world became covered in white as the cold invaded every home.
    Because of the freezing cold temperatures, the density of Reishi in the air is greatly reduced and the speed at which Reishi is absorbed is also reduced. This makes it simply impossible to replenish consumed Reishi by absorbing the free Reishi in the air.
    With the outside sealed by snow, the trio was unable to go out to fetch water causing the three of them slowly starve.
    Even worse, in their cold and hungry state, their Reishi consumption is increased even further and Xia Yan was shivering in the cold.
    In particular, Rukia, who only has 3rd class Reiatsu, suffered miserably in the winter, loosing half a year of hard work from Reishi deprivation.
    Renji looked at Xia Yan and Rukia, sighing.
    ⎾If there is no more food, we will lose too much of our Reishi.⏌ [ Renji ]
    Rukia frowned.
    ⎾Where can we go to find food?⏌ [ Rukia ]
    Renji looks into the distance.
    ⎾We can only steal.⏌ [ Renji ]
    ⎾Steal?⏌ [Xia Yan ]
    Xia Yan’s eyes widened as he stared at Renji.
    The latter nods.
    ⎾Yes, this is the only way, we can’t starve to death.⏌ [ Renji ]
    ⎾Where should we go then?⏌ [ Rukia ]
    Renji glanced around and whispers.
    ⎾I have been going around recently and I heard that the Murata family has made a lot of buns so we can steal some from them.⏌ [ Renji ]
    Rukia thought for a moment.
    ⎾Could we possibly ask for a couple? Maybe they will give it to us…⏌ [ Rukia ]
    Renji waved his hands and shook his head.
    ⎾That’s impossible. The Murata family is relatively rich here in the Rukongai, but its only a little wealthier. How would they give any to people like us?⏌ [ Renji ]
    ⎾Then we can only steal.⏌ [ Rukia ]
    ⎾Let’s go.⏌ [ Renji ]
    Leaving the house, the three were buffeted by a cold wind. They trudged through the thick snow and approached the village. Renji pointed at a nearby house.
    ⎾That is the Murata’s home. That room is the kitchen and its where the buns are steamed. The kitchen has a window, but its small and only Xia Yan can fit through it. I lure them out to the main entrance for a while. Xia Yan, you climb into the side window and steal the buns. Rukia, you stay with him. Now just wait for me to give the signal.⏌ [ Renji ]
    Xia Yan and Rukia looked each other before turning to Renji.
    ⎾Okay.⏌ [ Xia Yan and Rukia ]
    The two sneaked over to the kitchen window. Xia Yan listened carefully, hearing the sounds of people working busily, he gestured to Renji.
    Renji nodded and took a deep breath. At the gate, he raised his hand and knocked on the wooden door.
    Not long after, the wooden door opened, and a man appeared at the gate and looked at Renji.
    ⎾Who is it?⏌ [ Man ]
    Renji can be considered quite famous in the Rukongai, living with several orphans and fighting with people. This made others afraid to provoke him unnecessarily.
    ⎾Uncle, please can you spare some food? My brother and sister are going to starve.⏌ [ Renji ]
    The man coldly snorted.
    ⎾Even if you are hungry and starve to death, its none of our business. Go get out of here.⏌ [ Man ]
    Renji continued to plead.
    ⎾Please, I beg you, just a little food.⏌ [ Renji ]
    The man swung his hand at him, annoyed, and shouted.
    ⎾Shut up! I won’t give you any food! None!⏌ [ Man ]
    Renji immediately grabbed the man’s arm. The man struggled and tried to push Renji away but Renji clung on tenaciously, refusing to let go.
    At this point.
    The man’s wife had heard the commotion and rushed outside to see what had happened.
    Taking the opportunity, Xia Yan pushed open the window. Rukia crouched, cupping her hands to make Xia Yan a foothold before boosting him upwards.
    Clambering up the wall and climbing into the kitchen, Xia Yan quickly scurried towards the steaming buns.
    Opening the lid revealed some beautiful white buns along with a tempting aroma.
    ⎾Ahhhh….⏌ [ Xia Yan ]
    Xia Yan reached out and grabbed some steamed buns. They were hot enough to burn him, snapping out of his hungry stupor.
    Xia Yan grit his teeth, ignoring the pain and enduring the heat, and grabbed a few buns, put them in his arms and ran towards the window.
    The window was too high up, but Xia Yan moved a chair over. Using the chair as a platform he lobbed the buns through the window and to the waiting Rukia outside.
    After Rukia received all of the buns, Xia Yan moved to climb the window, but the chair wasn’t high enough, and Xia Yan was too short. Gingerly, climbing onto the back of the chair and jumping up, he knocked over the chair.
    *Kuang Dang*
    ⎾What was that?⏌ [ Man’s Wife ]
    The wife of the family heard the sound and returned to the house in a hurry. Just as she entered the kitchen, she saw the figure of the escaping Xia Yan halfway through the window.
    Seeing Xia Yan’s movements, she immediately realised what was happening.
    ⎾HEY! THERE’S A THIEF!⏌ [ Wife ]
    ⎾There’s a thief?!⏌ [ Man ]
    The man heard this and glared at Renji.
    ⎾I see, you are trying to hold onto me so the others can steal from our home. Let’s see if I don’t beat you to death you little bastard.⏌ [ Man ]
    The man knocked Renji to the ground, punching and kicking him. Although Renji has 4th class Reiatsu and can easily defeat the other side by activating his Reishi, he knew that he was the one stealing things and that he was the one in the wrong. Not resisting, Renji just curled into a ball and allowed the man to beat him.
    In the kitchen, the wife wanted to catch Xia Yan, but he quickly jumped out the window. After landing, he followed Rukia around the corner and saw the man beating Renji.
    Seeing the pair the man started yelling.
    He started to chase the pair but Renji clung onto both of his legs.
    ⎾RUN!⏌ [ Renji ]
    Xia Yan hesitated but Rukia was calmer.
    ⎾Let’s go.⏌ [ Rukia ]
    Xia Yan gritted his teeth and ran back to the house with Rukia. The man could not catch up to them, so he continued to beat Renji.
    Back at the house, Rukia pulled out the buns, there three of them, steaming in the cold air.
    Xia Yan looked at the big white buns, salvia forming a small waterfall.
    (Finally, after being in this world for half a year I can eat an actual meal.) [ Xia Yan ]
    Seeing Xia Yan look like this, Rukia handed a bun to Xia Yan.
    ⎾You should eat first.⏌ [ Rukia ]
    Xia Yan shook his head.
    ⎾No, Renji has not come back yet.⏌ [ Xia Yan ]
    Rukia ignored him and continued to force a bun into his hands.
    ⎾Just hurry up and eat.⏌ [ Rukia ]
    Xia Yan glanced at the bun in his hand but still refused it before Renji came back. After all, he had gotten beaten up so that could eat.
    Seeing Xia Yan insisting on not eating, Rukia resigned herself and stopped trying to convince him.
    At this point, the curtain was pulled open and Renji entered the room, his nose was swollen, and his clothes torn.
    Rukia immediately stood up.
    ⎾Renji, are you okay?⏌ [ Rukia ]
    Renji waved his hands.
    ⎾It’s okay, it’s just a skin injury.⏌ [ Renji ]
    Xia Yan saw the wounds on Renji’s face and apologised.
    ⎾I’m sorry big brother Renji, if I didn’t knock over the chair, I wouldn’t have been found…⏌
    Renji patted Xia Yan’s head.
    ⎾It’s nothing. The fact that you got us the food is all that matters.⏌ [ Renji ]
    ⎾…⏌ [ Xia Yan ]

    ⎾There are three buns, one for each of us.⏌ [ Rukia ]
    ⎾Great.⏌ [ Renji ]
    Renji took a steamed bun and the three of them ravenously tore at their steamed buns.
    The crops grown in Soul Society are composed of Reishi. Both the floor made of this wheat and the vegetables are rich in Reishi.
    But not only vegetables, but every food from biscuits and rice crackers to tea and wine in Soul Society is filled with Reishi.
    All of this food containing Reishi is far more delicious than food from the Human World. Taking a large bite of the bun, Xia Yan marvelled at the delicious taste despite the plain stuffing in the bun.
    The three of them gathered together to eat their buns and despite the cold outside and lack of a future meal, Xia Yan felt a touch of warmth.

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