Chapter 1 : Rukongai

       Edited: XiaXue

Where is this?

  Xia Yan stood in this narrow street, with a gray sky above her head, low-rise houses on both sides, the wall was ruined, and the air was filled with a depressing taste.

  And on the corner of the street not far away, there is a person lying there, a thin body, a dry body, and a gods, like a dead mummy.

  Are you dead?

  Xia Yan recalled what happened before his coma. The house suddenly smashed a big hole. From the house, he found a huge Monster, raised her thick arm and slammed himself, and then he was unconscious.

  After waking up, he appeared in this place.

  This is me?

      Xia Yan found himself a lot shorter figure, arms and palms have become young, he saw a puddle not far away, went to the puddle to look down, found in the puddle reflected a young face, a short black hair, a pair of deep eyes, lips lightly, pale.

  It turned out that he became another person.

  Xia Yan sighed and planned to leave this dangerous place first.

  He stepped forward and walked forward. Suddenly a head appeared from the window of the room next to him. Xia Yan was so scared that the body shook, and then he looked at it and found out that it was a human face.

  The face was very old, a boss eyes sag, and there were only a few hairs on his head. He stood by the window and looked at Xia Yan for a while, then turned and left.

  Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and the eyes of the opposite side made Xia Yan feel scared, especially the deadness carried in the eyes, and the hollow feeling that lost any interest in life was scary.

  Xia Yan did not want to stay here for a long time. He accelerated his pace and planned to leave the street.

  He walked across the street and turned to the left. There was one by one open space in front of him. There was a big house next to the open space, and two people stood in front of the house.

  One of them was strong, with a slap on his cheek, another young, but his face was dark and he had a long knife in his hand.

  When he saw Xia Yan’s moment, the man’s eyes brightened and said: “I didn’t expect to have a Freshman soul.”

  Next to the youth laughed, said: “This Freshman soul has been handed over to me, I will use him to try my knife.”

  The man with the face said: “Then you don’t want to miss.”

  ”No problem.”

  The young laughed, waving the samurai sword in his hand, step by step toward Xia Yan.

   Xia Yan see this scene, face the fear of the color, if he is strong, there is the idea of wrestling with each other, but at this time he turned into a 11-year-old, weak hands and feet, and how to fight with the enemy with a knife?

  Xia Yan without saying, turned and fled, the young man did not mind Xia Yan escape, but looked at him with interest, just like the hunter looked at the prey.

  Xia Yan full power rushed, a small road appeared in front of him, Xia Yan turned in and went in, through this path, Xia Yan continued to run, ran through more than a dozen houses and ran towards the distance.

  He turned to the corner of the street and walked a distance, turned to the right and found himself entering a new street, standing at the entrance.

  Xia Yan did not dare to stop, moved forward for a distance, turned around and saw that there was a figure behind it, just the young man.

  He waved his long knife and ran towards Xia Yan. Xia Yan tried to escape, but the distance between the two was pulled closer.

  Xia Yan continued to run away, but his full power ran for hundreds of meters, tired and panting, and speed began to slow down.

  Therefore, Xia Yan ran out for another 30 meters, and the young man of behind was caught up, and Xia Yanzhu fell to the ground with one foot.

  Then he came over and said arrogantly: “I see where you can go?”

  Xia Yan turned over and looked at the man who was approaching, and asked carefully: “I didn’t seem to have provoked you? Why are you having trouble with me?”

  The young people heard this,

Haha smiled and said: “In Chenchen District, how do you need a reason to kill a person?”

  After saying this, the young man walked toward Xia Yan, Xia Yan wanted to straighten up and escape, but he was kneeling on the ground.

  Xia Yan fell heavily on the ground, and the opposite side walked to Xia Yan, stepping on his chest with his feet and raising the knife in his hand.

  The youth’s eyes reveal fanaticism, and killing will not be his burden, but will make him excited.

  Xia Yan is constantly struggling, but the opposite side of the opposite side is stepping on himself, and with his young body, how can he break away.

  A long knife swayed, and a cold light appeared in the sky, moving toward Xia Yan.

  Xia Yan closed his eyes with a fate, but the expected Attack did not arrive.

   Just heard a bang, the pair stepped on their own feet and left his body, several figures will surround Xia Yan group, blocking the opposite side.

  These figures are not tall, one-third shorter than the opposite side, headed by a strong teenager with a long red hair, a wooden knife in his hand, staring at the opposite side. .

  In addition, there is a short hair girl who scorns the opposite side and does not shrink back at the youth.

  Seeing them, the young man’s face was a bit ugly, and he snorted and said: “This is the person who has already been in our area. I ran here, and you will let it go.”

  The red-haired teenager headed said coldly: “I don’t care which zone he is. as long as came to our hanging area, you are not qualified to kill him.’

  At this time, a short-haired girl standing beside the red-haired teenager said coldly: “Get out quickly.”

  The young man looks at red-haired teenager, the eyes are a little jealous, coldly snorted, turned and left.

  After he left, the red-haired teenager sighed. The short-haired girl walked up to Xia Yan and looked at Xia Yan with pure eyes. “Little brother, are you okay?”

  ”I’m fine.”

  Xia Yan smiled at the short-haired girl and slowly stood up. Look at them and said: “Many thanks to save the two.”

  ”many thanks two save? Your words are so strange. ”

  Red-haired teenager, laughed and patted Xia Yan’s shoulder and said “We are not saving you. We just don’t want people in Chen’s area to come here to do evil.”

  Chen District?

  Xia Yan remembers that they said that this place is a hanging area, so he asked curiously: “Where is it here?”

  Upon hearing this, the red-haired teenager smiles, and look at Xia Yan said: “You are the soul of Freshman.”

  ”Freshman soul?”

  Xia Yan big eyes, asked: “You mean I am dead?”

  The red-haired teenager nodded and said, “Yes, you are dead, and here is Rukongai in the Soul Society. The place where you were before is the 79th district of Rukongai, Chenzhan District, here is the south. Inuzuri in the 78th district of Rukongai.”

  Soul Society?

  Xia Yan heard the term, frowned slightly, and an idea emerged in his mind, but some could not believe it.

  Seeing Xia Yan’s figure dumbfounded, the short-haired girl said to him: “You don’t have to worry, since you came to Rukongai, then you stay here, those people are afraid to come here.”

  Red-haired teenager nodded and said with a wooden knife: “Yes, although we are all orphans, it is also quite confusing here, but they are taking care of each other, no one will dare to provoke us.”

  Xia Yan heard this and said seriously: “Thank you.”

  Although they are not much older than themselves, they are willing to help themselves, and Xia Yan is very grateful to them.

  At this time, the short-haired girl asked: “Yes, I don’t know your name.”

  Xia Yan quickly replied: “My name is Xia Yan.”

  ”Xia Yan?”

  The short-haired girl read the name and suddenly said, “Hello, my name is Rukia.”


  Xia Yan stared with his eyes wide, this time, red-haired teenager also said: “My name is Abarai Renji.”

  Abarai Renji?

  Xia Yan heard the name, dumbfounded, Abarai Renji, Rukia, Soul Society, and Rukongai.

  Is this not the content in Bleach manga?

  I actually crossed into Bleach World?

[ToC] [Next]

16 Replies to “Chapter 1 : Rukongai”

  1. Hello! Thanks for picking this up and working on it!

    Just a quick suggestion: There are several times in this chapter where he becomes she instead, as well as one time where a character appears to be called “Haha”. It would help your quality and readability a lot if you could find an editor for your work!

      1. Hello! ^^

        I just stumbled over your profile (it appeared on my Google page and I clicked on it as it was related to Bleach) and read the comments and I would like to help you edit your story. \(^▽^)/

  2. Hi XiaXue-san! I am Akai from Indonesia and a fan of Bleach ^^
    Can I have your permission to translate this story into Indonesian? Of course I’ll put your link there

    1. okay, if you need proofreader for indonesia contact my facebook cause i’m indonesia too 😀 salam hangat 😀

  3. Well, not everything is perfect.

    Where is this?
      Xia Yan stood in a narrow street with the gray sky above his head. There were low-rise houses whose walls were damaged on both sides of the street and the air was filled with a depressing taste.
    On the corner of the street not far away, there was a person lying on the ground, a thin and dry body, it looked like a dead mummy.
      Am I dead?
      Xia Yan recalled what happened before his coma. The wall of his house was suddenly smashed in and a big hole appeared. In front of the house, he found a huge monster who raised its thick arm and slammed it against him, and then he fell unconscious.
      After he woke up, he found himself in this place.
      This is me?
    Xia Yan found himself a lot shorter than before and his arms and palms have become young again. He saw a puddle not far away, he went to the puddle and looked down. He found that the puddle reflected a young face, he had short black hair, a pair of deep eyes and slightly pale lips.
      It turned out that he became another person.
      Xia Yan sighed and planned to leave this dangerous place first.
      He stepped forward and walked down the street. Suddenly a head popped out from the window of a house next to him. Xia Yan was so scared that his body shook all over, when he looked to the side, he found out that it was a human face.
      The face looked very old with droopy eyes and there were only a few hairs on the person’s head. He stood by the window and looked at Xia Yan for a while, then he turned around and left.
      Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief, the eyes of the opposite side made Xia Yan feel scared, especially the emptiness he found within those eyes. The hollow feeling that showed the loss of any interest in life was scary.
      Xia Yan did not want to stay here any longer. He accelerated his pace and planned to leave the street.
      He walked across the street and turned to the left. There was an open space in front of him. There was a big house next to the open space, and two people were standing in front of it.
      One of them was strong, with a scar on his cheek, next to him was a young man but his face was dark and he had a long knife in one of his hands.
      The moment he saw Xia Yan, the man’s eyes brightened and he said: “I didn’t expect to encounter a new soul.”
      The youth next to him laughed and said: “This new soul should be handed over to me, I will use him to try out my knife.”
      The man with the scar said: “Just be sure that you don’t miss.”
      ”No problem.”, the young laughed.
    Waving the samurai sword in his hand, he walked step by step towards Xia Yan.
      Xia Yan seeing this scene lost all color in his face. If he was strong, he would think about whether he should wrestle with him or not, but at this time he has been turned into an 11-year-old boy. He had no strength in his hands and feet and didn’t know how to fight an enemy who had a knife?
      Xia Yan without saying anything turned around and fled. The young man did not mind Xia Yan’s escape, but looked at him with interest, just like a hunter looked at his prey.
      Xia Yan ran as fast as he could. Suddenly, a narrow road appeared in front of him, Xia Yan turned into it and went along the path. He continued to run past more than a dozen houses and raced into the distance.
      He turned around the corner of the street and walked a certain distance then he turned to the right and found himself entering a new street, walking past the entrance.
      Xia Yan did not dare to slow down, moved forward without stopping. He turned around and saw that the figure of the young man was just behind him.
      He was waving his long knife while running towards Xia Yan. Xia Yan tried to escape, but the distance between them decreased rapidly.
      Xia Yan continued to run away, but because of his full power run for hundreds of meters, he felt tired and was panting heavily, as a result, his speed began to slow down.
      Therefore, after Xia Yan ran away for another 30 meters, the young man behind him managed to catch up and Xia Yan fell to the ground as his legs gave way.
      Then youth came over and said arrogantly: “I want to see where you can run now?”
      Xia Yan turned around and looked at the man who was approaching, and asked carefully: “I didn’t seem to have provoked you? Why are you making trouble for me?”
      When the young man heard this, he laughed and smiled as he said: “In Chenchen District, why would you need a reason to kill someone?”
      After saying this, the young man walked towards Xia Yan. Xia Yan wanted to stand up and escape, but his weak legs wouldn’t leave the ground.
      Xia Yan fell heavily on the ground, and the opponent walked towards him, stepped with his foot on his chest and raised the knife in his hand.
      The youth’s eyes revealed fanaticism, killing doesn’t burden him but makes him excited.
      Xia Yan is constantly struggling, but the opponent continues to hold him down, and with his child body, how could he break away.
      The long knife swayed and a cold light appeared in the sky, moving towards Xia Yan.
      Xia Yan closed his eyes awaiting his fate but the expected attack did not arrive.
      He just heard a bang and the foot stepping on his chest vanished, several figures surround Xia Yan group, blocking the opposite side.
      These figures are not tall, one-third shorter than the opposite side, headed by a strong teenager with long red hair, a wooden knife in his hand, staring at the opposite side.
      In addition, there is a short hair girl who scorns the opposite side and does not shrink back from the youth.
      Seeing them, the young man’s face was a bit ugly, he snorted and said: “This is the person who has already been in our area. I ran here, and you will give him to me.”
      The red-haired teenager headed said coldly: “I don’t care which zone he came from, as long as he steps in our hanging area you are not qualified to kill him.’
      At the same time, a short-haired girl standing beside the red-haired teenager said coldly: “Get off quickly.”
      The young man looks at the red-haired teenager, the eyes are showing a hint of jealousy, he snorted coldly, turned around and left.
      After he left, the red-haired teenager sighed. The short-haired girl walked up to Xia Yan and looked at Xia Yan with pure eyes. “Little brother, are you okay?”
      ”I’m fine.”
      Xia Yan smiled at the short-haired girl and slowly stood up. Looking at them he said: “Many thanks to the two of you for saving me.”
      ”Many thanks for saving you? Your words are so strange. ”, the red-haired teenager laughed, patted Xia Yan’s shoulder and said “We are not saving you. We just don’t want people in Chen’s area to come here to do evil.”
      Chen District?
      Xia Yan remembers that they said that this place is a hanging area, so he asked curiously: “Where is this?”
      Upon hearing this, the red-haired teenager smiles, and look at Xia Yan said: “You are a new soul.”
      ”New soul?”
      Xia Yan eyes went big as he asked: “You mean I am dead?”
      The red-haired teenager nodded and said, “Yes, you are dead. This place is part of the Rukongai in the Soul Society. The place where you were before is the 79th district of the South Rukongai, Chenzhan District. Inuzuri, we are in, is the 78th district of the South Rukongai.”
      Soul Society?
      When Xia Yan heard the term he frowned slightly, an idea emerged in his mind, but somehow he could not believe it.
      Seeing Xia Yan’s dumbfounded face, the short-haired girl said to him: “You don’t have to worry since you came to the 78th district then you can stay here, those people are afraid to come here.”
      The red-haired teenager nodded and said holding his wooden knife: “Yes, although we are all orphans, it is also quite challenging here, but we are taking care of each other, no one will dare to provoke us.”
      Xia Yan heard this and said seriously: “Thank you.”
      Although they are not much older than me, they are willing to help me, Xia Yan is very grateful towards them.
      At this time, the short-haired girl said: “I don’t know your name yet.”
      Xia Yan quickly replied: “My name is Xia Yan.”
      ”Xia Yan?”
      The short-haired girl pronounced the name and suddenly said, “Hello, my name is Rukia.”
      Xia Yan stared with wide eyes, next came the red-haired teenager who also said: “My name is Abarai Renji.”
      Abarai Renji?
      Xia Yan heard the name and was dumbfounded, Abarai Renji, Rukia, Soul Society, and Rukongai.
      Are they not part of the story which is found in the manga named Bleach?
      I actually crossed over into Bleach World?

    1. This edit is much better. It’s easier to read, and the whole story flows better because I don’t have to go back and reread every sentence several times before I can understand it.

  4. Looks like someone already did a superior version but meh. I felt like doing this anyway.
    Chapter 1: Rukongai
    (Where is this?) [ ??? ]
    Xia Yan stood in a narrow street grey skies above his head. Low-rise houses on both sides, their walls ruined, and the air was filled with a depressing taste.
    Not far away, there was a person lying in the corner of the street. Their body was thin and dry, like a dead mummy.
    (Am I dead?) [ Xia Yan ]
    Xia Yan recalled what happened before he fell unconscious. There was a house. Suddenly a large hole was smashed into it, a huge monster had come out of it. It lifted its thick arm and slammed him into the ground and then it went black.
    When he woke up, he was here.
    Looking at himself he thought.
    (Is this me?) [ Xia Yan ]
    Xia Yan found that he had become much shorter, his arms and hands had become smooth and filled with youthful vitality. Looking around he saw a puddle not far away. Looking down at the puddle, he saw the youthful face of an 11-year-old with short black hair, a pair of deep eyes and slightly pale lips looking back.
    It seems that he has become a different person.
    Xia Yan sighed and planning to leave this dangerous place first.
    He started walking forwards.
    Suddenly, a head popped out from the window of a nearby house. Xia Yan, flinched shaking in fear as he turned, only to find that it was a human face.
    The face was very old with large bags under the eyes and a few hairs on his head. The old man just looked at him from the window for a while before leaving.
    Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief, the dead eyes of the man scared him. Those eyes were so hollow, filled with nothing but indifference towards all left, even his own
    Xia Yan did not want to stay here any longer than absolutely necessary, increasing his pace as he left the street.
    After walking for a while and turning left Xia Yan reached an open space. Next to the open space, there was a large house with two people standing in front of it.
    One of was bulky, with a scar on his cheek. The other was young but his face was dark and wielding a long knife.
    When the scarred man noticed Xia Yan’s movement, his eyes brightened
    “I didn’t expect to see a Freshman soul.” [ Scarred Man ]
    The young man next to him laughed.
    “This Freshman soul is mine. I want to test my knife on him. Kekekeke…” [ Young Man ]
    The scarred man looked at him and grunted, “Try not to miss this time.”
    “Kekekeke. Of course not.” [ Young Man ]
    The youth laughed, brandishing his blade as he slowly stepped towards Xia Yan.
    Seeing this Xia Yan face blanched. Before he blacked out, he would have considered wrestling with them but after transforming into an 11-year-old with his child-like strength? There was no way that he could fight with an enemy wielding a knife.
    Without a word, Xia Yan turned and fled. The young man grinned, his eyes sharpening like a hunter that just found its prey as he watched Xia Yan escape.
    Running for his life, Xia Yan tore through the streets, turning into every alley that he could find. After weaving and dodging through dozens of alleys, Xia Yan found himself once again on the street.
    Not daring to stop Xia Yan, continued to run forwards. Stopping to catch a breath, Xia Yan glanced backwards. Behind him was the figure of the young man, leisurely running towards him from the distance.
    Noticing Xia Yan stopping for a moment the young man brandished his knife and ran towards Xia Yan. Xia Yan tried to run but the distance between the two of them only continued to shrink.
    Xia Yan had already sprinted for several hundred meters and without a break, he was already exhausted as his legs screamed in agony, forcing him to slow down.
    After another 30 meters, the young man had finally caught up.
    Sending Xia Yan sprawling with a kick, he strode over and sadistically giggled
    “Let’s see where you can run to now. Kekekeke…” [ Young Man ]
    Xia Yan rolled over and looked at the approaching man and carefully asked.
    “I don’t seem to have offended you in any way. Why are you doing this to me?” [ Xia Yan ]
    Hearing this the young man smiled and laughed
    “In Chen District, why would you need a reason to kill a person, hmmm?” [ Young Man ]
    After saying this, the young man slowly approached Xia Yan, Xia Yan desperately attempted to stand up but collapsed after another kick.
    Xia Yan fell heavily on the ground, and the opposite side walked up to Xia Yan, stepping on his chest and lifting his knife high into the sky.
    The young man’s eyes reveal insanity and a growing bloodlust as he grew more and more excited.
    Xia Yan continued to struggle but the young man’s foot made it impossible for his 11-year-old body to escape.
    The long knife swayed, and a cold light streaked through the sky, slashing towards Xia Yan.
    Xia Yan closed his eyes, accepting his fate but the expected attack did not arrive.
    With a loud ‘bang’, the foot on his body disappeared and several figures surrounded Xia Yan as a group, blocking the young man.
    These figures were not tall, only two-thirds the height of the young man. They were led by a strong teenager with long red hair. A wooden knife rested in his hand as he stared at the opposing side.
    Aside from him, there was a girl with short hair that sneered at the young man.
    Seeing the pair, the young man’s face distorted and he snorted, “This person walked into our area and he’s mine. Hand him over.”
    The red-haired teenager coldly responded.
    “I don’t care which zone he went to. As long as he came to our area you are not qualified to kill him.” [ Red-haired Teenager ]
    The short-haired girl standing next him scowled and yelled.
    “Get out, quickly.” [ Short-haired Girl ]
    The young man looked at the red-haired teenager, his eyes glowed with a jealous light and coldly snorted before turning and leaving.
    After he left, the red-haired teenager sighed. The short-haired girl walked up to Xia Yan and looked at Xia Yan with pure eyes.
    “Little brother, are you okay?” [ Short-haired Girl ]
    “I’m fine.” [ Xia Yan ]
    Xia Yan smiled at the short-haired girl and slowly stood up.
    “Many thanks, you two saved me.” [ Xia Yan ]
    “Many thanks, you two saved me? The way you speak is weird” [ Red-haired Teenager ]
    The red-haired teenager laughed and patted Xia Yan’s shoulder.
    “We’re not saving you. We just don’t want people in Chen’s area to come here to do evil.” [ Red-haired Teenager ]
    (Chen District?) [ Xia Yan ]
    Xia Yan vaguely recalled that the pair mentioned that this was their area, so he asked curiously.
    “So, where am I?” [ Xia Yan ]
    Upon hearing this, the red-haired teenager smiled and looked at Xia Yan.
    “You are a freshman soul.” [ Red-haired Teenager ]
    “Freshman soul?” [ Xia Yan ]
    Xia Yan’s eyes widened in surprise.
    “You mean I’m dead?” [ Xia Yan ]
    The red-haired teenager nodded.
    “Yes, you are dead, and this is the Rukongai of the Soul Society. This area you were in before is the 79th district of the Rukongai, the Chenzhan District and this area is just south of there, Inuzuri, the 78th district of the Rukongai.” [ Red-haired Teenager ]
    (Soul Society?) [ Xia Yan ]
    Hearing this Xia Yan frowned slightly, and an unbelievable idea emerged in his mind.
    Seeing Xia Yan’s dumbfounded figure, the short-haired girl said to him.
    “You don’t have to worry since you’re in the Rukongai, you can stay here. Those people are afraid to come here.” [ Short-haired Girl ]
    The red-haired teenager nodded and brandished his wooden knife.
    “Yup, although we’re all orphans we are all taking care of each other in this confusing place. No one would dare provoke us.” [ Red-haired Teenager ]
    Xia Yan heard this and said seriously.
    “Thank you.” [ Xia Yan ]
    Although the pair are not much older than him, they were willing to help him, causing Xia Yan to feel extremely grateful towards them.
    At this moment, the short-haired girl asked.
    “Yes. By the way, I don’t know your name yet.” [ Short-haired Girl ]
    Xia Yan quickly replied.
    “My name is Xia Yan” [ Xia Yan ]
    “Xia Yan?” [ Short-haired Girl ]
    The short-haired girl mulled over his name for a moment before replying.
    “Hello, my name is Rukia.” [ Rukia ]
    “Rukia?” [ Xia Yan ]
    Xia Yan’s widened as he stared. Quickly, the red-haired teenager followed up.
    “And my name is Abarai Renji.” [ Renji ]
    (Abarai Renji?) [ Xia Yan ]
    Xia Yan stood there, dumbfounded as he thought about the names. Abarai Renji, Rukia, Soul Society and Rukongai.
    (Isn’t this from the manga Bleach?!) [ Xia Yan ]
    (I actually crossed into the Bleach World?!) [ Xia Yan ]

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